Loss of baby chicks


10 Years
Jun 29, 2009
Central Missouri
My order of 25 baby chicks came Monday from McMurray Hatchery and Monday night I lost the first one and just a few minutes ago lost a second one. When I called the hatchery about the first loss, person was very nice and credited my account. But now I have lost a second one of the same breed. These happened to be the breed, and only two, that my youngest son picked out as his. I guess you can imagine how upset he is. Now I am worried. I have ordered from this company before and had no problems. In fact, I have never lost any chicks. If it makes a difference, the two we lost were golden polish pullets.

I don't want to jump to conclusions but I am naturally worried about the others. All but one are running around and happy. I will call the company again and express my concern and frustration. Even if its just a fluke, I can't replace my son's two favorite chicks.

I will let you know what I find out from the company when I call them tomorrow.

And yes, they were vaccinated.
How's the weather there? I've lost several of the chicks I ordered from Ideal, but I honestly think it's because of this crazy weather. The first shipment came in a snowstorm (6" an hour from the Gulf of Mexico).
Chicks do die from being shipped. Stress from the being shipped will kill them sometimes. There is really nothing you can do.
It is cold here, in the 30's mostly. Of course I have no idea what their trip was like before I picked them up. But I am wondering if this breed is just more sensitive.

Try explaining this to a 9 year old who LOVES his birds.
I know EXACTLY what you mean!!! I have a seven-year-old daughter who cried while I took them out of the box from the hatchery. What did you get? I bought bantam buff and dark brahmas. The dark brahmas seemed to be the most sensitive and all of the ones in the first batch died.
Try explaining to a 6 year old that her baby cow died... that she picked out herself and named and has raised for over a year and there is no explanation.
This is why we raise animals. They live, they die. Just like everything else in life. Yes, it is hard, but we can't avoid death. We have to deal with it.
Use it as a teaching experience.
One thing... the more upset YOU are about it, the more upset THEY will be. Be compassionate, but honest.
I know this is a little off the original post, but we are talking about death...

I can honestly say that I appreciate the lessons Sydney is learning on the farm. It's hard to have an animal die, but that's life. Daddy sat down with her they talked a long time about life. Some of us live longer than others. Sometimes it is better to go ahead and died instead of suffer, etc. It was easier for me to face loss having experienced it as a young child on the farm. I have friends who have never lost a grandparent, parent, etc. I can't imagine. When they ever do lose someone, they'll be crushed. I'll hurt, but I know from my past lessons that the living have to keep going.
they'reHISchickens :

Try explaining to a 6 year old that her baby cow died... that she picked out herself and named and has raised for over a year and there is no explanation.
This is why we raise animals. They live, they die. Just like everything else in life. Yes, it is hard, but we can't avoid death. We have to deal with it.
Use it as a teaching experience.
One thing... the more upset YOU are about it, the more upset THEY will be. Be compassionate, but honest.

I TOTALLY agree. My parents were always honest with me. No, it wasn't fun. I do the same with Sydney. When her kid died, I told her.​
I think you misunderstood. I am not upset because my 9 year old is upset about the chicks dying necessarily, I am upset because with baby chicks, its not like I can go out and replace two. I would have to order 25 more just to get the two my son wanted. He has seen chickens die, he knows it happens. They were Golden Polish and no one I know has those. So he lost his chance to raise those.
Oh, that's frustrating!!! I think my next hatchery order is going to have about 10 extras built in. If you reorder, I'd get at least 15 of the Golden Polish. You can sell whatever extras you have later on.

Wonder if there's a hatchery with a lower minimum?
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