Loss Of Feathers Due to Mounting


Aug 18, 2021
View attachment 3145963
This is Butters. She has recently acquired several bald spots from being mounted. The funny thing is that we have no roosters. Almost every day, the hen pictured below chases and mounts her. Butters is not mounted by any other hens, and Chardonnay doesn’t mount any other hens. Is this normal?


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Almost every day, the hen pictured below chases and mounts her. Butters is not mounted by any other hens, and Chardonnay doesn’t mount any other hens. Is this normal?
Not really what I would call normal, though it does happen. I had a production red that would mount a specific Silkie every time she got the chance. Just once out of hundreds of birds I've kept.

I don't tolerate it. A hen balding another hen is uncalled for. The offender would be re-homed or get a pair of pinless peepers, a time out (even out of sight of the flock for a couple days) or other means of taking her down a notch.

Generally speaking pecking order is pecking order and I try to let it be as it ensues anyways when I'm not present. But I stop crap like this in it's tracks.. my flock, my rules, NO bullies allowed.

Beautiful ladies, best wishes!

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