Lost 3 in 24 hours


In the Brooder
May 16, 2021
We had 8 silkies 14weeks old and two cinnamon queens 1.5 months and we lost 2 silkies and 1 queen in the 24 hours to a Tom.(all three were my 6 year olds chicks he’s pretty upset) they were all free range and went to the coop in my garage at night. They usually sleep with our pet cat rhino. I’ve now put them in the run but was think of getting a large rooster. I found a 11 month old black copper marans. Is it ok to add him to my flock?


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I'm so sorry for your losses!
Did you see your chicks being attacked? How do you know who it was, because every meat eater loves chicken, and chicks are really vulnerable.
This very handsome rooster may or may not improve their safety, especially at first. He can be killed too, or not attack a small predator, there's no telling.
Outside chickens can bring in diseases, and be difficult with children, especially. Wouldn't be my first choice here at all.
Safe housing! Your chicks need to be in a very safe coop and run, at least until this current predator issue is resolved. Your survivors are wiser now, but still very vulnerable to whoever shows up next.
I'm so sorry for your losses!
Did you see your chicks being attacked? How do you know who it was, because every meat eater loves chicken, and chicks are really vulnerable.
This very handsome rooster may or may not improve their safety, especially at first. He can be killed too, or not attack a small predator, there's no telling.
Outside chickens can bring in diseases, and be difficult with children, especially. Wouldn't be my first choice here at all.
Safe housing! Your chicks need to be in a very safe coop and run, at least until this current predator issue is resolved. Your survivors are wiser now, but still very vulnerable to whoever shows up next.
Yes we caught footage on our trail cam of the Tom attacking. They are now in the run. I caught him snicking around it today. I was going to take care of him but missed.
So sorry for your loss. Some males may protect the flock and others could care less. The male you referenced is quite a bit older than your chicks so it might not work out to well but you can try and see how it goes. I would quarantine him for about a month and let him see but not touch the chicks and let him get used to them being there. Good luck...

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