Lost a Dominique from my breeder flock last night


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
Knoxville, Tennessee
So I was cleaning the coop yesterday, had to go somewhere in a hurry and left the door to the HENHOUSE wide open making a one-stop-shopping drive-up window. My poor girls!!! I came out this morning to throw out some scratch grains and they were in the yard and I was like what the ???? and realized I left the door open and was missing one chicken.
The funny thing is, there is no sign of a struggle and no body near. This makes me think it was something bigger that took it but if it was a fox, I wouldn't have any left and I live in Suburbia so I wouldn't think a coyote would get it. I'm pretty sure a raccoon would kill it before it dragged it off, right? So I'm stumped. What got it? I would love to think if flew far away in the chase but that would be optimistic to the point of foolishness. I know better.

I live close to downtown Knoxville and thus only have (had) 6 chickens and now ones gone. Worse, this is a breeder flock that came from probably some of the best stock in this breed that I drove nine hours to South Carolina to get when they were chicks AND they're only about three weeks out from laying their first eggs. What a bonehead move. My poor girls. I wish I had a roo as a last (first, in this instance) line of defense, the girls are too valuable. Word to the not-so-wise: Close the door at night. Thats the only thing I could have left open to leave them so vulnerable. Any other door and there would have still been 1 line of defense. I guess thats why I have an automatic door in the coop, so I don't have to remember to close it. Too bad I cant dummie-proof this door too. Poor girls.... At least it wasn't a fox (like that crazy event that happened to Goldlaced_girl) or theyd all be gone. I hate predators. I have a dog and a 20 Guage and if I see something....Well, whatever it was just better not let themselves be seen....Poor girls....
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I'm sorry about your chickens, don't beat yourself up - we all make mistakes. You can bet you'll probably be double checking the door being closed for awhile

I do have a Q, though, if you don't have a rooster, how are you planning to breed?

Mojo Chick'n :

I do have a Q, though, if you don't have a rooster, how are you planning to breed?


Lol, an egg-selent question. Good catch. My sister, who lives in GA, also has a breeder flock. Whereas I live in the city and its best that I not keep a rooster, she is allowed to have them. This is a very advantageous breeding program for me since I can just temporarily borrow one of her roo's when it comes time, let her borrow a hen, or have one of my broodies hatch eggs from her flock. Good question, though.​
Lol, an egg-selent question. Good catch. My sister, who lives in GA, also has a breeder flock. Whereas I live in the city and its best that I not keep a rooster, she is allowed to have them. This is a very advantageous breeding program for me since I can just temporarily borrow one of her roo's when it comes time, let her borrow a hen, or have one of my broodies hatch eggs from her flock. Good question, though.

ok. I was wondering if ya had a "stud service" coming in or something.

Too bad you can't have a roo where you live, I love all my roos

I love hearing the crowing, personally, I dont understand why everyone (ie: your neighbors) doesn't love the roo crows

I am working on my breeder flocks, I have one rooster who is of age (a big Delaware boy) but I just got him some del hens - he's been running with some light brahma hens.

Also am trying to get flocks of Buff Orps, Barred Rocks, and Light Brahmas going. Most of the chickens in these groups are just getting to the right age.

My buff orp girls are just starting to lay - I'd be so sad if I lost any of them. I am trying to keep the breeder flocks small due to feed costs and space concerns. (in other words... my hubby being concerned about how many more coops he is going to have to build for me

good luck with your flock.

Perhaps, but I was out there not long after daylight. It would have to have happened in a very short time period, though still possible. And the ladies are pushing 4 lbs or so now (don't tell them I told you, they're sensitive about their weight, silly girls) so I dunno. I'm think it happened in the night...

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