Lost a guinea


5 Years
Jul 9, 2019
Well, I've read it again and again on here. I was hoping we would be lucky. I had been letting the crew free range for a couple weeks with no problems from Hawks, eagles or fox. We have a golden retriever and he has been curious about the gang but that was about it. I should have noticed the warning signs, how hyper he would get after I had been with the gang. How intent he was watching them, I was thinking he was curious or protecting, apparently not. The gang has gotten brave recently, coming up to our patio and looking in the house, calling me to come feed them their grains in the evening. Well, apparently he saw that as his opportunity to catch one. I'm so mad at him, but he is a bird dog. Training will have to ramp up I guess.

Just needed to vent and mourn.
Well, I've read it again and again on here. I was hoping we would be lucky. I had been letting the crew free range for a couple weeks with no problems from Hawks, eagles or fox. We have a golden retriever and he has been curious about the gang but that was about it. I should have noticed the warning signs, how hyper he would get after I had been with the gang. How intent he was watching them, I was thinking he was curious or protecting, apparently not. The gang has gotten brave recently, coming up to our patio and looking in the house, calling me to come feed them their grains in the evening. Well, apparently he saw that as his opportunity to catch one. I'm so mad at him, but he is a bird dog. Training will have to ramp up I guess.

Just needed to vent and mourn.
Sorry about your loss.
Thanks. This is my first attempt at raising farm animals and a project my girls and I have taken on together. We were doing so good!! I'm hopeful he can be trained.
Thank you. We have a fenced area for him to be in. At first, the crew never would have thought about leaving their area we set up for them outside of his fence. They have so much land to wander and roam, but of course, want in his 3 acre spot. I hope they learned too, however, I'm not sure.
So sorry for your loss, I have a ultrasonic clicker a trainer here recommended for people that couldn't afford training but were fostering a rescue dog, and sons dogs are trained but they only listen to him. was pretty cheap 14.95 delivered to my door. It has been a sanity saver as in train mode it grabs their attention, and in chase mode it keeps my neighbors dogs at their house when they come a looking
Well, I've read it again and again on here. I was hoping we would be lucky. I had been letting the crew free range for a couple weeks with no problems from Hawks, eagles or fox. We have a golden retriever and he has been curious about the gang but that was about it. I should have noticed the warning signs, how hyper he would get after I had been with the gang. How intent he was watching them, I was thinking he was curious or protecting, apparently not. The gang has gotten brave recently, coming up to our patio and looking in the house, calling me to come feed them their grains in the evening. Well, apparently he saw that as his opportunity to catch one. I'm so mad at him, but he is a bird dog. Training will have to ramp up I guess.

Just needed to vent and mourn.
So sorry! Mine have flown into our dog yard multiple times and have been grabbed twice. Fortunately, I was there to run in and rescue them. Clearly, my dogs will eat the poultry. Now the guineas mostly stay out, at least until most of the grass dies for the winter...

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