Lost all of my ducks last night :(

I am so sorry for your loss! It is tough telling kids about predator death, OK any death in general. My advice give yourself some time. I had my flock decimated by a predator. I finally trapped a raccoon but saw on game camera I was dealing with 6. I have plugged many of the holes in our 100 year old barn and then gave myself a LONG time before I went and got more ducks. Of course I still have turkeys and chickens and the like that didn't get touched by the predators.

Again I am so sorry! Hopefully you can fix the issues with the fencing where they went through and on your own time get another.
Don't sit out there with a pellet gun. If I read correctly, you live in Florida like me, so sit out there with a Smith and Wesson and you can do what I did when I had a raccoon problem.

A live trap and a can of "tuna juice" will definitely catch coons, cats and other varmits.

Tuna juice = I open a small can of tuna and with a fork press out all the liquid reserving the actual tuna for me. The tuna "juice" is poured over a slice of bread and makes one heck of a lure for 'coons!

Shandani, Lugh,............either of you close to Sumter county Florida?
Negative, I'm in Deerfield Beach, at the northernmost border of Broward county. My fowl experience in Broward is limited to muscovy ducks laying eggs all over my yard.
I might be able to get ducks for my bday in May n I'm just wondering what kind I should get
-needs to be a good egg layer
- pretty
- quiet
Are girls or boys nicer? Whatever one is than that one
- not so messy my mom will get mad
Any suggestion is appreciated thanks
I might be able to get ducks for my bday in May n I'm just wondering what kind I should get
-needs to be a good egg layer
- pretty
- quiet
Are girls or boys nicer? Whatever one is than that one
- not so messy my mom will get mad
Any suggestion is appreciated thanks
You might get a better response to your question if you post it as a new thread.
Sorry about you losing your babies.... I had chickens and geese years ago, and los them to a weries of raccoons and possums, even with fences, had a group of raccoons take out full grown geese. Now that I raise ducks and geese in the country, I have hotwire around all my day yards , top and bottom and locked aviary at night and raccoon proof houses for the mini ducks. Haven't lost a bird in 5 years and I live in a National forest. a caveat ; I do have some in yards with 4 ft. fence and hot wire , but no 'top" protection...so I guess the owls and hawks (that live on the property) have enough birds and mice , rabbits ,etc.
Two Good dogs, real guard dog types as shepherds and collies, as no need to go overboard, but they need to be kept by stock not house pets especially at night when they need to be able to do job most,, and/or hardware/wire cloth, an hot wire, with deer netting top for BOPs, will stop preds while your not watching (as then you can shoot preds with bow or blow gun). If coons can get into your trash then you need better containers that seal. bait live traps and just drop cage in container filled with water for couple min when catch each. if you bloody ect trap it'll give off scent that warns the rest. may take month or longer to trap them all. problem is with fort knox setup is unless really well and locked, people may have and be able tto get in and take and kill your birds, which may have happened if no sign the ducks could struggle at all and just gone and mamma decapitated and left.
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