LOST CHICKEN! Please help.


11 Years
Jul 30, 2008
I was cleaning the coops tonight and moving my hens from one coop to the other...The skittish one shot between my legs and ran. My husband and I panicked and chased her....she couldn't get back in her coop so she flew down to the road and completely disappeared. We've looked for everywhere and we can't even hear her making any noise. She's extremely skittish and she's never been out of her coop area here. I left the other hen in with the pullets tonight and left the coop door open. I am praying she will find her way back somehow.

Is there anything else I can do? I am just completely torn up over this. She was finally coming around. She just started laying this week and finally ate some treats from my hand earlier today.

We live on a mountain and I'm so worried she'll be taken by predators or just unable to get up the sharp incline to her coop from behind. Please pray that she finds her way home
To make matters worse, I'm still new with the chicks and this neighborhood and I don't want to upset anyone.

I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place. I wasn't sure where else to post it.
We found her but she got away again...

I've left her coop door open and I'm really hoping she finds her way back. My husband is going out to search for her again...It should be easier to catch her while she's sleeping, but it's hard to find a solid black chicken at night.

I hope, hope, hope...she comes home.
Good luck..I hope you find her. I bet she is so scared the poor girl. :aww


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