Lost chicken to predator for the first time. How long should they stay penned up?

Very sorry for your loss
I remember when I lost little Phoenix to a beautiful redtail. If you want to prevent further casualties, you need to build a BIG run with a chicken wire net as the top. Give them plenty of room. If you want you could also try placing a fake owl (even though they don't work very often, but its worth a shot.) As others have said a hawk could kill a dog or seriously injure you if it wanted to.
Thanks so much for all the suggestions! We are going to fence off a corner of the yard with a gate for us to go in and out, and put high posts around inside to support a chicken wire cover. I'm also going to try an owl on top of the coop, and hang some mylar strips and old CD's around. Their coop and run are very secure, but I don't feel like the run is big enough for them to be truly happy and live normal happy chicken lives. I've been sitting in there with them several times a day, they've had special treats, and they jump on me and in my lap a lot when I'm in there with them. I'd like to think they appreciate the extra attention! I've put some vitamins in their water every day too, since they aren't out eating grass and leaves and stuff. (In NC, everything is still pretty green!) A woman at the wild bird store here told me that we have a lot of migrating hawks right now, and she's lost chickens in the winter here too, and now she keeps them penned up all winter, so I guess it's pretty common. I think my BO Sunny is now in charge! She's still affectionate to us, I hope she stays that way. My 9 yr old was really upset when I told him about it. But, we've always talked occasionally about how they are outside animals, and that something like this could happen. I just still feel really guilty. My dog is very very good with the chickens. Some of my girls sit and rest right up next to her when she's napping out in the sun, and she knows they are part of the family. She's an irish wheaten terrier, from ireland, and her breed was to be a working farm dog to get rid of vermin. No birding instinct in her at all! I wish they made mouse flavored dog food, she would be in heaven. She never goes after anything bigger than a chipmunk, and she's 12, so she can't catch them very well anymore, but it's not for lack of trying!

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