lost chickens


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 28, 2014
I let my 7 hens out of the coop today while we winterized it and by the time it got dark only one returned to the coop. How can I find the others? It is going to be 30 degrees tonight. We went out in the dark with flash lights and the dog to find them and only found one more huddled down by a fence. ANY SUGGESTIONS? Kathy
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

So sorry your birds did not return to the coop. There isn't much you can do in the dark unless you can reach them. But tomorrow you might lock them in the coop for a few days and not let them out. This will help teach them where home is and they will from then on, always return to the coop each night.

Good luck and I hope you can get them all back tomorrow!
I hope you are right since with another look around we only found one more hiding behind some barrels. Kathy
Oh i hope you find them. I only have to shake a bag of cheese or hit a tin of sardines and they come a running. Getting them used to a noisy treat works great. They don't have to get it much but they never forget..Good luck...
Welcome to Backyard chickens. Could you put a light on in your yard so maybe it will draw others to the coop? Chickens don't move in the dark. That is very cold weather if they don't have other birds to keep the heat up. Maybe things you did to winterize the coop - scared them off, or they just don't recognize it now.
Thank you kind friends for your responses. My husband came in just now and says he found the remaining hens huddles together on the lower roosting bar inside the coop. We both have cold hands since it is 28 degrees now, but it is relieving to know they are fine and home. Earlier I was thinking that they really were bird brains but they at least have enough brains to come back home. Kathy

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