Lost feathers on chest and vent, discharge and now barely walking


In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2022

I have an aquila that is 1.5yrs old. I noticed that she was losing feathers on her chest, I thought she was molting. I also noticed she had discharge from her vent, but I didn't think much of it. Two days ago we found her barely able to walk, losing feathers like crazy.

I have her separate, we gave her an epsom salt bath and she's in a box in our garage, barely eating and drinking, but can stand. I noticed that I have a few other hens that have discharge and very smelly poop now.

I don't see any mites, I've never seen them before, but I've looked for them and don't see anything like that. I added electrolytes and probiotics to their water and gave them yogurt.

Is it better to keep the one by herself, or would she stand a better chance with the flock? What else should I give them?
It sounds like she is molting. It can make them weak and have a loss of appetite. I would place her back in the flock. If she is picked on, you can place her in a dog crate with food and water. Can you post pictures of poop and what she looks like?
I had one molt this spring that acted drunk. She'd walk a few steps, then sit down in the yard. After a minute, she'd walk a few steps in a different direction and sit down. Molting can do strange things to chickens and loss of appetite and egg laying goes with molting.

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