Lost my boo


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 4, 2011
I had put a ladder in my chickens room several days ago they seemed to like to perch on it. I went down to put them to bed and my blue cochin was dead she must have fallen off the top of the ladder and and got her head and neck stuck next to the frame and the platform to set the paint. She hung herself. I feel bad I hope she went quick.I took the laddder out.
Popoton, I am so sorry for your loss. I found one of my chickens hanging, dead, in a curl of excess chicken-wire. She somehow got stuck and thrashed enough to either have a heart attack or perhaps asphyxiate. I was at work all day when it happened, so I have no idea how long she'd struggled. The flock head-count was off by one, so I went looking for her. I felt SO awful that I'd left the hazard there and that I hadn't been home to rescue her.

So I know how you feel.

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