Lost my daughters' guinea pig last night - added pix pg 2

I am sorry for you and the girls loss. I agree though I would not be bringing it up with the other parents unfortunately when you have children on your property it is your responsibility to supervise them. 9 year old girls can be very skitish. Would probably only needed one other to say hey come look at this and they would have forgotten totally about the poor piggy. Sometimes we learn this lessons the hard way. (I know have learn't some myself this way).
I'm am so sorry for your family's loss.
Oh, Give the girls a hug. My DD is 9 and we have a GP too.

All the broken bits of your rose, go out and save them. Cut them into 5 or so inch long pieces, cut off all the leaves (remembering which side is up) and stick them 4 inches deep in light potting soil, keep them a little wetter then you would a houseplant and you'll be surprised how many root. It can take over a month, be patient.

The trick to surviving sleepovers (and we have one coming up, 10th Bday) is to Plan and Supervise. Also, don't be afraid to lay down the law on other people's kids. I'm not saying be crazy picky, but my house, my rules. I have never once had any parent say "Well, Suzy ALWAYS gets to take out every toy in the house and leave it wherever and we NEVER make her put her dinner plate in the sink or brush her teeth. And OUR dog likes to be carried around by the ears"

What I do is put all pets on lock-down. Any pets who normally live in kids rooms come out and they and anyone fragile, like the kitten, get locked in my room, which is very off-limits. If the kids are very animal oriented, I will personally supervise a short playtime where I tell all about animal care and ask about their pets. But mostly, I get some craft things, we have crafts, games, dinner, more games, I keep them up really late, we watch a PG movie (and I always check with parents about the movie, you never know, but I make sure it's rated G or PG, the kids always enjoy it even if they want to pretend they're too cool) with lots of popcorn and snacks, then brushing teeth (my house, my rules, I buy cheap toothbrushes just in case) and the kids all get to camp out in the living room with every pillow and blanket in the house.

LOL, Normally they're too wiped out to do anything like get up @ 4:30 and since my DD knows she has to report to me (as in "Mom, we're done making bracelets, can we get out Twister?") the damage stays minimal.

When the sleepover is over , I am wiped out, but doing it this way works for us and we do lots of sleepovers.
Thought we had done all that already. And this wasn't the first time these girls had been over before. All of them had. I thought I had laid down the rules about the animals pretty clear, they didn't ask about taking her out that last time so I was unaware it had occurred. It just happened to be when we were trying to make either breakfast or lunch for them. The only time they weren't supervised in fact. As far as waking up at 4:30, they had played hard the day before didn't go to bed till midnight, and it was only the three guests that were up then, my daughters were both still crashed. I know that no malice was intended and that it was just an accident, it just doesn't make anyone feel any better right now. If we had found her before she died and tried to rehydrate her and she still didn't make it, it would have been easier for them I think. At least they would have been prepared for it. The shock of it is what really hurt I think.

We buried her late this morning and I just got a couple new roses so the girls could choose which one they want on top of her grave. We probably will get at least one new piggie soon.

As for the rose, I repaired one of the main stems (there were two) with that green garden tape, the other main stem had already been damaged a couple months ago so this time there was no saving it. Had I known about putting the rose in water I would have. I still have half the rose so I'm okay with it. I will remember that if it ever happens again.
Aww, she looks like she was a real sweetie!
I know its so hard for kids to loose a pet.

We've had a few kids for sleepovers who are just wired and there's no keeping track. I hope you didn't take it as criticism. I've just done LOTS of sleepovers, and I know that things happen that no amount of planning can overcome. I hope that this bad experience doesn't sour your girls to it.

And personally, I believe in getting another right away.Too often, with kids if you wait a while, they don't want one because it hurts so much when they die. And it does hurt. But they shouldn't loose all the joy in the meantime just because some pain will come eventually and I believe that's an important life lesson. Our Bugsy GP does not in any way replace Spike GP, who graced us with his presence for 5 years, but we love them all and that's important too.

Give them a hug from me.
Thanks, they were wired. We've decided three friends is too many. They develop "Pack" mentality and all common sense goes out the window! Won't be planning any sleepovers for a while but when we do have one again it will be with only one friend or one friend each.

I've been talking with DH today about getting a replacement instead of doing the stuffed animal replica. A fellow BYC'er CutiePieAcres lives not too far from me and breeds show quality piggies as well as rats and goats... and paint horses... I'm in trouble! I sent her an email this morning asking if she has any babies available. I'm just waiting for her reply.
Im so sorry for your loss, she looks like she was a very sweet girl. Its always so sad to loose a little piggie and each one is so special and has their own little personality. But with little critters or in anything for that matter somtimes accidents just happen and with kids you cant blame them or make them feel bad for an accident. We just have to learn from it and go foward and while no piggie is ever going to replace or be exactly the same as your Miss Piggy another pig might bring in some smiles. I did email you back and if and when your ready I always have pigs needing to find the perfect home and your welcome to come by and meet and play with the gang to find someone who seems just right for you.
Hey Jackie, I just got your email a few minutes ago. Looked over your links and I have to say I think we're going to take you up on coming out to see what you have available. Not sure when that will happen as my DH works every day this week and I have a feeling he'll want to come too.

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