Lost our first chicken

I'm an old lady but I can still appreciate the feelings. I do raise my birds to show at poultry shows and eggs, but I have had a special attachment to a very special bird. Her name was Gladys, she was a 3 year old cross beak I hatched. She must have been special because I gave her a name. She loved to be held and would come when called. She loved to be with us. A few months ago I wasn't paying attention and she was dust bathing in one of the garden beds the last time I saw her. A fox snuck in and grabbed my Gladys. I went looking for her and found feathers. I cried like a baby. I was so mad at myself for not putting her in her pen while I was otherwise occupied. I still feel responsible for her death, but I knew the risk of her free ranging. Just a few days prior something got a gate opened to one of the coop pens and killed 2 other birds. I'm sure it was the fox. I have game cameras and saw it near that coop. It was a bit foggy that night of course so I couldn't see the gate but the next morning when I discovered the piles of feathers, I wired the gates shut. I have concrete under my gates because several years ago I had a fox dig under a gate and kill several birds. The next morning I could tell that something had messed with the gate again but couldn't get it opened because I had wired it shut. I did put out some live traps and caught the fox. I still miss Gladys.

I am sorry about Gladys. :hit

We live in an area with fox, coyote, possum, skunk, hawks, etc. We used to let ours out during the day if we were outside, until we had a fox sniffing around. They are so quick ans sneaky.

Ours was named Penny. My daughter named her. She was going to join 4H this next year, and do a project with Penny.
I am sorry about Gladys. :hit

We live in an area with fox, coyote, possum, skunk, hawks, etc. We used to let ours out during the day if we were outside, until we had a fox sniffing around. They are so quick ans sneaky.

Ours was named Penny. My daughter named her. She was going to join 4H this next year, and do a project with Penny.

A .22 lr with snake-shot will work good for keeping out most predators, although in most areas hawks are protected. I don’t know how you would feel about shooting the dog though.:confused:
I am sorry your family is dealing with the loss. :hugs

I know my old dog in his prime could have done some serious damage to a fence.

A few years ago a pullet went left when she should have gone right. She ended up in the gigantic dog run. Yup the dogs were in there. All heck broke loose but I got her in the nick of time.

I know how fast things can go bad is what I am saying. :hugs
I didn't think you would. I have seen others jump in and criticize though, on other posts. I feel bad enough. The posts were already weakened by humidity and lots of rain. My second mistake was to not seal them as well as I should have. The dog barreled into them from a distance and it just snapped. I saw it happen. I was in rhe house and saw the dog in the front yard. He smelled the chickens apparently because I saw him flat out run from the road towards the back yard. I ran out the garage door in time to see him smash into the run and the post snap. I saw him grab the chicken, and tried to get it away, but he wouldn't let go.
I had just taken the kids pictures three days ago, and my daughter had hers taken with the chicken that died. They were going on our mantle. Those came in today, in the mail. My daughter started bawling. She's 11, so she understands death, but still.
So sad...:hugs:hit
Sorry for your loss. I tell everyone my chicken run is predator resistant, but it's not predator proof. A determined dog can break out of, or into, a dog kennel made from that heavy kennel wire. I use 2X4 welded wire for the fencing and a dog kennel gate panel for my access. It is good enough to keep out curious animals, but a determined dog would be able to break through. I just hope that my fencing slows down the animal enough that my chickens can retreat into the coop for safety. I hope....
I am sorry about Gladys. :hit

We live in an area with fox, coyote, possum, skunk, hawks, etc. We used to let ours out during the day if we were outside, until we had a fox sniffing around. They are so quick ans sneaky.

Ours was named Penny. My daughter named her. She was going to join 4H this next year, and do a project with Penny.
Thank you! I had never even thought of using something like this...how do you attach the hardware cloth? Or do you just use these for the electric fence around the run?
To attach hardware cloth, you could attach wooden posts to the steel ones and staple it. You could also run it around the outside of the metal post. I have done both. The metal post has hooks on it that hold the wire in place. There are plastic clips made to snap onto these posts to hold electric fence wire too so they could serve double duty.
To attach hardware cloth, you could attach wooden posts to the steel ones and staple it. You could also run it around the outside of the metal post. I have done both. The metal post has hooks on it that hold the wire in place. There are plastic clips made to snap onto these posts to hold electric fence wire too so they could serve double duty.

Thanks! I mentioned it to hubby and he knew exactly what it was.

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