Lost power for 5 days so extra lights in coop were off - will my girls molt??


7 Years
Jul 2, 2016
central Virginia
We are in VA and lost power due to a heavy snow, from Monday to Friday morning. This means that my supplemental lighting was off for 5 days, which artificially stretched the days to 16 hours. Are my hens going to get confused and molt? Has anyone else experience this before? What happened?
These are mature layers, 1-4 years old. I just can't afford to feed 70 hens through the winter with no return! I know I'm just shortening their laying longevity but if they get eaten by predators - which is not uncommon in our rural setting - then it doesn't really matter if I "save" their ova over winter. So far I'm still getting 25-30 eggs a day. I had one day with 14 but caught TWO hens breaking eggs and eating them.:he Those two are now in the cage I call "broody prison". One is a repeat offender and will go bye bye.

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