Lost two of our six chicks


6 Years
Apr 13, 2013
Im so worried. We brought home six babies on Saturday, one died Sunday and one died this morning (Tuesday) - they start acting really tired and weak then die. Im so concerned about the others. I moved their lamp this morning because i was concerned about it being too hot for them. they seem happy its moved and all are a little more energetic. They were a week old Saturday. Ive read a lot about them dying and seems to sound the same, but that it just happens. One had a poopy butt, so i cleaned it and put a little vaseline on it, it seems to be doing fine. They are on medicated starter feed we got at tractor supply. This is just so sad, I hope we dont lose any more : ( Any ideas on what I could be doing differently would be greatly appreciated. I understand and accept nature, however, sometimes she can be cruel.
where ever you have your heat lamp be sure it is located so the chicks can
get to an area that is cooler....you don't want to cook them...
put a thermometer in with them so you know how warm the hottest spot is....
1st week 95* 2nd week 90* 3rd week 85* and so on...

if it isn't the heat being the cause of their deaths, you'll need to post
other symptoms for someone to help...

good luck and sorry for your loss...
It definitely happens with chicks, without our having any idea why. There is a good sized article in the Raising Baby Chicks forum sticky which discusses many of the causes. I am glad to see you reduced their heat, though. It is my personal opinion that this happens more than it should because the chicks get too hot. It's a very good idea for the brooder to be large enough that they have room to move away from the heat if they wish -- room to cool off then warm up as they wish.
Thank you all so much. ill stop by and grab a therometer on the way in this evening. also ill ask them at co-op what they have for electrolytes.

my husband also suggest a much larger living area for them to chose hot cold medium whatever they want. We have them in a very large rubbermaid now. could there be anything wrong with that? I read where lots of people used them. I just want to do all I can for them to be happy and healthy :)
Thank you all so much. ill stop by and grab a therometer on the way in this evening. also ill ask them at co-op what they have for electrolytes.

my husband also suggest a much larger living area for them to chose hot cold medium whatever they want. We have them in a very large rubbermaid now. could there be anything wrong with that? I read where lots of people used them. I just want to do all I can for them to be happy and healthy :)
I too use large clear totes for brooding BUT don't use a 250watt bulb in those...they will burn up, the chicks...
with mine, I use a 100 watt bulb hung above from a free standing clothes stand, you can use lesser watt
as long as your therometer reads that they are warm enough....the totes keep more warmth in....
in your first note you did not say 'what kind of heat lamp' you are using, so in second guessing, thought
I'd mention the above... good luck! ( I cut the centers from my lids and duct tape wire to allow air flow,etc)....
We moved the heat lamp up and moved half their house away from the heat to give them an option of warm or cooler areas they immediately started hanging out on the cooler end they seem very happy right now we keep a close eye on them though we truley appreciate all your valuable input

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