Lost two. So sad


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
Santa Cruz
I lost two last night to what I think were racoons. One is still there the other is gone.
My other girls are sooo sad.
sorry for your loss
What are you going to do to protect them? Reinforce the wire? Plug up holes? Otherwise you are going to lose more.
I started feeling sorry for my six young chickens being "cooped" up so I decided to let them out during the day. This worked for about 2 weeks until I left them in the care of a neighbor awhile I was out of town for a weekend. Well...now I have two chickens living safely in their coop awhile I feel terrible about making the first decision.

Sorry for your loss.
Unfortunately some neighbors can't be counted on to take care of your babies.....when we go out of town for a weekend I just fill the feeders and add an extra waterer in the coop and leave them there, locked up safely and happy and we know they are okay too so no worries.
Unfortunately some neighbors can't be counted on to take care of your babies.....when we go out of town for a weekend I just fill the feeders and add an extra waterer in the coop and leave them there, locked up safely and happy and we know they are okay too so no worries.

Believe me, I will follow your advice from now on!
Seems like we both have our sets of predators that can hurt our chickens. There was a chicken hawk that tried getting one of my Blue Cochins but she moved in time and the hawk ended up running into the side of the house, lol! I have to wait to let my Buff Orpingtons and Blue Cochins out until noon. We noticed that the hawk tends to make his morning rounds. He doesn't appear to go after the Australorps or Jersey Giants, probably because they're too big to carry off.

Sorry for your loss, but I'm sure you'll get more soon to replace them!

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