
I just hope I can stay up and watch the whole thing. I too, fell asleep during the part where Hugo saves the day.

From the previews, it looks like Locke was right not to call those people for help. When are the "others" going to figure out Ben needs a good old old fashioned "stoning". They can all participate. And, why hasn't his new number 2 guy aged???? What's his name.... um let me google it.....

Gosh I hate dial up. I found it, his name is "Richard". Why is he feeding Locke all that info?????

And last but not least, live Charlie live!
The jacob thing IS freaky, haven't got that figured out at all. Some people I work with say the show will end with Hurley waking up on the plane and the whole thing has been a dream. I don't really care what the "real" story is, I just watch it for entertainment because I love it and can't hardly stand it until the next episode!!! Happy to hear there are so many others on this board that are LOST nuts!!

ps--Pips --hope we BOTH stay awake through the whole thing, lol!!
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Dont throw things at me here, but I wonder what it says about people who are a fan of this show and people who just cant take it? I tried and tried and tried to get into it. The title of the show says it all. I'm LOST! I want answers
and when nothing is ever resolved and all I get are more questions, I'm left unsatisfied and disgusted. I kept hoping they'd explain something and they never have! Like is the dang island alive? Who or what knows everyone's life stories and secrets? Why were they all tossed together? I can't hang on ten years to find out. It's nuts! I got so frustrated that when my DH said it was on, I said forget it, I'm not trying anymore to figure this dumb thing out. Thank goodness, I can get on to other things in that time slot now. So, what does that say about me, that I hate this show, even though I've tried ever since it's been on the air to like it?
Cynthia, you just have to watch it for entertainment and look forward to the continuing entertainment the next week and not worry about figuring it out, just watch it like a soap that will have a new story next week...there are only about 30 more episodes so it will unfold. I dont even get involvedint hose crazy debates at work about whats going on, I dont care, I just think it's its great entertainment...so watch it with me and just enjoy it, lol!!
But, I cant be entertained if there is no conclusion! There have been a few new shows recently with that trend of only making a mystery deeper and deeper with no answers. There has to be resolution or a tiny tidbit of an answer to a question or it just makes me bonkers. And it isn't even like a soap, either. It's supernatural and weird and...and....

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