
I want them to get back to the polar bears, smoke monster and whatever the heck was knocking down trees & yanking pilots out windows.
Well - Hurley yells "I'm one of the Oceanic 6", so I'm guessing only 6 get off the island and everyone else gets left behind for whatever reason.

So... anybody care to guess who the 6 are?

We know: Kate, Jack & Hurley make it off the island.

I'd guess;
Sun since she's pregnant. Did she go without Jin?
Did Desmond make it back to Penny?
Maybe Alex (Danielle's daughter)

Don't think Rose would even want to leave because of the cancer, Bernard wouldn't go without her. Locke would fight leaving because of the paralysis.

How long until it's on again?
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I'm taping it next week and then watching it without the commercials. Man they were annoying. And face it ladies, all the guys except creepy old Ben are hot. Jin, yep; Sawyer, yep; Sayid, yep; Jack,yep; Charlie, short, but yep; Locke, old but then so am I, yep; Hugo, fat but very appealing so yep; Desmond, yep; Ben, scary, nope, no way. And for you guys there's Kate, Juillet, Sun, Danielle etc. The show's just full of wonderful eye candy
Sayid and Desmond...now I wouldn't mind having their shoes under my bed.
Locke isn't bad...this is like first thing he's been in where he's not been a psycho completely...
The scary thing was that Kevin Tighe from Emergency! was playing Locke's father...
I think I'll do the same-DVR it, and watch it without the commercials. I can't believe how long and how many! And, we're not talking Superbowl quality here!
mom'sfolly :

And face it ladies, all the guys except creepy old Ben are hot. Jin, yep; Sawyer, yep; Sayid, yep; Jack,yep; Charlie, short, but yep; Locke, old but then so am I, yep; Hugo, fat but very appealing so yep; Desmond, yep; Ben, scary, nope, no way. And for you guys there's Kate, Juillet, Sun, Danielle etc. The show's just full of wonderful eye candy

Yeah did you see Jin without his shirt on!!! very nice build going on there.....​
Yeah I would guess Desmond with Kate, Jack and Hurley - Perhaps Claire and Sawyer - but why only 6 of them?
I mean hurley was in the other group - with locke - so how did he get rescued?

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