Loud Austrolorp

Hillary and friend's eggs

In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 9, 2010
Hello everyone,

I've got a big problem!

Last summer I got some baby egg layer chicks (Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn, and Americauna). Two turned out to be roosters! The owners of the feed lot were nice about the problem, though, and traded me some hens they had just gotten in for the "egg-laying" roosters. I traded the White Leghorn rooster for a White Leghorn hen and the Rhode Island Red for a Black Austrolorp. I thought it may be nice to get an Austrolorp while I had the chance, seeing as the feed lot usually doesn't get them in. I was wrong! Every day that chicken is sqwaking this extremely irritating, loud screech! Not only that, the thing stirs the other chickens up! I didn't have too much of a problem with the noise and didn't think the neighbors did either. I was recently informed, however, that the neighbors are having problems with the noise. Is there a way to keep the Austrolorp silent? Will my other chickens be still too noisy for the neighbors? I was going to get a few more chickens this season, but will they be to loud? I need help!


1 White Leghorn, 1 Americauna, 1 Black Austrolorp
Hillary and Friend's Eggs is the name of my egg "company", Hillary being the name of my first chicken.
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I'm kinda surprised really, my Australorps are very(and I mean very) quiet.
I really don't think there's anything you can do to keep her quiet. I actually have a PR hen that is incredibley vocal like that-she squawks constantly at the top of her voice.
I'm sure you could easily rehome or sell her if it becomes too much of an issue for your neighbors.
Good luck!
My black Aussie is the loudest bird I have ever had, I only have one and it will be my last, I live on a 100x80 foot lot so I need to be concerned about my neighbors too. Shes friendly and pretty, but the squawking is too much.
My Austrolorp is very noisy - she yells and squawks runs and jumps for about two hours then finally she will lay her egg. Then she is quiet the rest of the day. The egg seems to have blood colored spots on it. As the eggs dries - the spots turn white? w The wierdest thing I have seen. She very seldom will use a nest box, just sort of plops it out where ever she is at. I feel bad for her. She acts like it hurts to lay an egg. I think she is lacking lubrication to expell the egg. My neighbors also mention the noise.
My girl was the first of all my chickens to lay. She was very noisy at first. And couldn't keep still. Would go in and out of nesting boxes squacking and squacking. Then after the first say 4 eggs...I went in there with her and softly talked to her....calmed her down....would pet her and rub right under her chest. Then she started softly bawking back. Almost like purring. She is my favorite chicken now. Not so noisy and hystarical. But she does have the deepest voice. And talks to me ALL the time.

I don't think you can make her quiter.
I have to admit I am surprised. I have four Australorps and the only one that makes any noise is the rooster--- the girls are very quiet--- odd! ------I guess they are all unique!
I have 3 Australorps, 2 are quiet, while Sally ALWAYS has something to say. Probally not alot if anything you can do to make them quieter.
I re-homed an Australorp because she was too loud, and I'm illegal as it is. I also had a Black Sex Link and an Easter Egger that had to go away. Individuals do vary. I have some that never make a peep. There are 14 back there, and other than a couple at egg laying time, you have no idea to walk by my house.

My rule of thumb is, if it annoying me, it's annoying the neighbors.
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I have two black australorps. One is quiet and polite. The other, well, I've given her a nickname that is probably best not said here, but it is very similar to "Complainer Girl."

She is fairly quiet when I'm not around, but when I am she voices her complaints (whatever they are). It doesn't appear as though she doesn't like me; rather, she uses my time in the coup to get her "complaining" done.

Even when she is outside she'll take the time to come to me "complain," and sometimes she'll "complain" non-stop - the only way get her to stop is for me to walk away and ignore her.

At goodie time she is so busy "complaining" that she misses out on the goodies. Even when I hold a goodie right in front of her she won't stop "complaining" long enough to eat it. I've gotten so used to her "complaining" that I hardly even pay attention to it. I don't have neighbors so I don't have to worry about complaints. I right it off to simply being her personality, and as long as she puts out eggs I'll tolerate it.
My BA is my loudest hen/pullet. She's top dog (well...hen), so I don't know if that's part of it or not. But she's a wonderul girl and looks out for the others, and she's quite friendly. She's just very talkative and loud. My other girls make very quiet sounds unless they're scared.

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