Loud Rhode Island Red


In the Brooder
Feb 6, 2018
Hello! I have a bit of an issue...we have a small flock (4 beautiful hens) at our urban farm. One of my ladies, Stella (Rhode Island Red), has become a loud mouth in the morning and I'm becoming more and more paranoid that someone is going to complain. She's really only loud (and, when I say loud, I mean she's basically yelling at me) at sunrise when she wants me to let her and her sisters out of their coop to start foraging their yard. I have no idea what to do other than jump out of bed as soon as I hear her first squawk, throw on pants, and run to the back yard to release her. She has me completely trained and I'd be fine with it (I'm waking up at that time anyway) if I didn't have to worry about my neighbors. Any suggestions on how I can shut this loud mouth up?
I have a red that is crazy loud as well. She is the boss lady of the yard. I just butter my neighbors up with some eggs and some honey from my bees. :-D They were pretty concerned for a while until they saw the benefits from both. I just got the chickens maybe 3 weeks ago now. There is definitely an end zone dance/celebration for every egg laid by this red as well.

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