"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

OMG Julie you've never had fried backstrap??
You don't know what your missing!!

well of course I had deer. I call deer - uh deer. Lol

Only in Louisiana.

The backstrap is the loin across the back. One of the best parts of the deer!!
Backstrap is like one of my favorite things to eat. We have a hole deer in our freezer at work, like I said I did chilli today and probably fry the back strap next week.
Anyone who likes backstrap and also enjoys eating rare steak should try what I do every time I fry backstrap. Leave a few pieces off to the side not to fry, lightly season with kosher salt and black pepper and just sear for a short time on a hot black skillet.
oh making myself hungry. Any way I think its really good.
Got to share my story from last nite with yall. We have a christmas fund my wife and I put each 12 dollars in each week, by christmas we have like $1200 to spend for Christmas. Well we first buy for our daughter then the rest of the kids in the family then our parents. What ever is left we discuss well do we want to devide that money and buy something for each other or put it together and buy a big present for both of us. To get to the story, You know your chicken crazzy when..... My wife and I where sitting in the living room watching tv and I said "Oh hey I know we havent started shopping yet but with the money left over for ourselves, if we decide just to go shopping and buy what we want insted there is something I really want that I would like to get".
She immediately replide "NO your not buying a chicken".

But trust me if thats what I want then thats what I will get.. lol
You mean to tell me that no one has explained "chicken math" to you?

Also, if you're looking for sympathy on the # of chickens or eggs you have you're looking in the wrong place because we are ALL enablers. We are very supportive of each other and are very good at cheering on each other to the point that we're overloaded with animals. Then, we find that we have to get rid of some animals because we have too many only to plan for more animals. It's a vicious cycle. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. What a great way to enjoy your time and meet people!

BTW, leave room for some very beautiful geese next spring. LaMike, Gracie, and myself will hopefully be hatching too many Sebastopols come spring.
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