"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Busy busy day but winding down now & time to start the weekend! It was nice & QUIET here this morning -- only one roo to crow & he didn't have a whole lot to say!!!

The geese are all so beautiful -- wish we still had our pastures fenced in so we could have them again. They were the most personable of all of our birds & fun to boot. Ours were just plain old White Chinese.

I think our peacocks will make up for the difference though! this afternoon, Jim was sitting outside on our driveway w/his cast propped up on a milk crate, calling to them -- & they were calling back -- it was quite a lot of noise!

Hope everybody has a good weekend!
Sounds like a nice evening Terri.

Gracie you said you were gonna make nesting areas ? Is there something I need to Know here. These are the only geese I personally have ever kept. Do they not make their own?
I have the 5 together and my 2 are slowly starting to interact with the other three but really dont seem interested in new geese

I do plan on pairing them or should I not. I do ducks so not sure. I know different breeds being the wild versus the domestic pairing off can only work by bird choice on my wilds but can pair any domestic?
I really have gotten to like these geese even though my whole life I aint never liked a goose

Its a different game with these. I guess you and Twiley are going to have to steer me right with these though

Terri the roo is all happy

He has his 3 pretty hens and is just as sweet as can be. I was holding him earlier today and he was like puddy

We can definatley do something with the Peafowl between you me and Julie

Hope everyone else is healthy and happy

Martha hows your hatch doing
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Well, Mike, I have 4 little Doms that started hatching yesterday and the last one hatched around 3:00 this afternoon. There are still 2 eggs in the incubator that I saw movement in at lockdown. Today is Day 21 so will definitely give them a few more days. Have you ever done a float test? I've been reading all about it on BYC. Seems it's a good way to tell if your chick is alive in there if the egg moves around in the water. The 4 that have hatched are very active and seem very healthy. I'm hoping they're not all roos!
Well it should be a fun day today! My wife and I are in San Antonio TX for a horse vet convention. They have over 300 venders set up with booths mostly with all the stuff we want but little that we can afford. Lol! It we be fun never the less to window shop and see all the new stuff coming out for next year! I already saw a purse downstairs in the lobby of the hotel made from a recycled chicken feed bad. I took a pic but can't post it from my phone. If I see anything worth posting, I'll take pics and post them when we get home next week.

Mike, your geese will make their own nests. Sebbies will even share their nests with each other. Also, you don't really have to separate them if you don't want to. Personally, I separate mine for a couple of reasons: (1) I don't want my males to be fiercely fighting each other. I've spent way to much money on them to have them hurt or kill each other. Like roosters, the ganders will sometimes fight to the death over a female. (2) I sometimes want to breed for certain traits and don't want other ganders to interfere with the mating. For example: if I'm wanting to breed for buff saddlebacks I don't want my white ganders interfering. With regard to the nest boxes, last year I used a couple of medium sized dog houses that I had around. That worked great! One of my geese had made her nest on the ground so I simply put her nest in the doghouse and she seemed to appreciate that and used it ever since. Because of their curly feathers, Sebbies do actually get cold, therefore, I think it's a good idea to give the females some protection from the elements while they're laying.
Well, Mike, I have 4 little Doms that started hatching yesterday and the last one hatched around 3:00 this afternoon. There are still 2 eggs in the incubator that I saw movement in at lockdown. Today is Day 21 so will definitely give them a few more days. Have you ever done a float test? I've been reading all about it on BYC. Seems it's a good way to tell if your chick is alive in there if the egg moves around in the water. The 4 that have hatched are very active and seem very healthy. I'm hoping they're not all roos

I did the float test just to see if it really worked & it did -- you could clearly see the water move!

When we had white chinese geese, they always made their own nests in the barn - everybody had their own corner of a former horse stall. They also chose their own mates & paired off - I had exactly 4 pairs out of 8 goslings I had ordered from Murray McMurray -talk about luck! then before I knew it we had 40 geese running around! They were a lot of fun, in spite of the one who sneaked up behind me & sucked a black pearl earring right off of my ear lobe!

Have a good Sat everybody!​

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