"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I've had it this way and it is SO good!!
Gracie, love your geese! Your gray geese are much darker than the one I have. They have nice feathering too. I sent Mike the white goose with the blue leg band. I'm not sure what the blue leg band means. The other goose was the splash one but she's lost almost all of her splash color. I believe that she'll end up being solid white. She's the one that's been breed to one of my white males. The male that's breeding her is not what I planned for spring but I'm not sure if I should try to make any changes to mating partners at this point. What do you think? I am in the process of separating them into separate pens in preparation of the upcoming laying season. I hope that since breeding has commenced it means that they'll be laying early. I can't wait to see what we hatch this spring. I WILL DEFINITELY want to get with you when goslings arrive so that you can help me to figure out their sex. These old eyes just can't see well enough to see little gosling's sex organs.

I know you'll be relieved to be done with school. Enjoy your time off.

As for the turkey -- OUCH!! I hope you gave him some good training.
......... **turkey** says, -- yes ma'am
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WOW! they are gorgeous!!!!! I like my black Ameracaunas too, they are pretty & real characters to boot.
Hope you gave that turkey an attitude adjustment right back--that looks painful!!
I've had it this way and it is SO good!!

Agreed! You can cook just about any kind of meat this way, and it's delicious!

lol You can cook a boot this way and it would probably taste good

Nice geese Gracie.
Really nice roo you got there. He is split lave by the way
Remember how we are always joking about slipping in poop and falling prey to our chickens or something?!! Well this guy apparently went on vacation for 2 weeks and left his dogs home to starve while he was gone!!!
Try to copy and paste in your browser

Geez!!! now it's not just the chickens and horse and piggies I have to worry about!!!!!
Gracie, love your geese! Your gray geese are much darker than the one I have. They have nice feathering too. I sent Mike the white goose with the blue leg band. I'm not sure what the blue leg band means. The other goose was the splash one but she's lost almost all of her splash color. I believe that she'll end up being solid white. She's the one that's been breed to one of my white males. The male that's breeding her is not what I planned for spring but I'm not sure if I should try to make any changes to mating partners at this point. What do you think? I am in the process of separating them into separate pens in preparation of the upcoming laying season. I hope that since breeding has commenced it means that they'll be laying early. I can't wait to see what we hatch this spring. I WILL DEFINITELY want to get with you when goslings arrive so that you can help me to figure out their sex. These old eyes just can't see well enough to see little gosling's sex organs.

I know you'll be relieved to be done with school. Enjoy your time off.

As for the turkey -- OUCH!! I hope you gave him some good training.
......... **turkey** says, -- yes ma'am

Twiley, the blue leg bands were just a way for me to keep track of who's who. Left leg = female, right leg = male. On the goose that seems to have lost her darker feathers, I think you should just leave her with the gander she has chosen. They don't seem to like being separated once they have made their choice on a mate
I think you would be surprised about the colors you would get if you paired her with a colored gander though. The solid grays in the picture came from my white girls, and splash gander. The gray feathers may seem to go away, but it lets you know that they do have a recessive color trait which is how I got my grays.

I would really like to see what Mike's white female paired with that splash gander would produce. I bet they would have some lovely babies! I really hope that we all have some good hatches this spring. It would be nice to do a little trading with you and Mike.

Let me know when yours start laying. I'm going to start making some nesting areas pretty soon. I just separated my sebbies from the Toulouse this week, so hopefully we will start seeing some eggs by January. Maybe even sooner if we are lucky
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