"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Amen,.. those yankees are getting hit HARD!
Hey there La-yers got a little cool up here in these hills last night. It was 18 here this morning everyone and everything survived it though thats all I could ask for. Boy I sure hope not to have much more of this stuff. Has anyone seen the forcast for tomorrow night and Friday morning they are calling for 1/2 to 1 inch of ice and that's a killer for us as yall all know, Im sure. It absolutely destroys the trees and you can bet your hind-end the electric WILL go off and prolly for some time as it usually does. Anyway evrybody get your back- up heat ready and have extra water and feed on hand for a couple days of crappy weather it is supposed to warm up Sat. and Sun. so that will bail us out of the ice but hold on to your drawers till then though.

ME TOO! It just started sleeting here (I'm at work). I expect we'll shut down early today & I don't have plans to be in tomorrow either.
Next week at this time I'll be going under the knife to fix this knee & frankly, I am ready. This cold really makes it ache!

I got up at 4 a.m because the Blue Orp chicks in the utility room were throwing a wild party & our parakeet was yelling back at them. Of course all the commotion stopped when I turned on the light to see what was going on. Boy that is the rowdiest bunch of chicks I ever hatched, I sure am enjoying them though.

I went out at 6 to haul water, etc etc - had to laugh at our ancient "barn cats" - they have beds under the carport on top of the storage containers for the poultry feed, with brooder lamps strung from the ceiling over them & snugglesafes - I reheated their snugglesafes & when I left for work they were already fed & back in bed & I can tell they have no intention of leaving any time soon. Sure wish it were me!

Everybody stay warm & safe! Maybe we'll get to build a snowman tomorrow morning!
ME TOO! It just started sleeting here (I'm at work). I expect we'll shut down early today & I don't have plans to be in tomorrow either.
Next week at this time I'll be going under the knife to fix this knee & frankly, I am ready. This cold really makes it ache!

I got up at 4 a.m because the Blue Orp chicks in the utility room were throwing a wild party & our parakeet was yelling back at them. Of course all the commotion stopped when I turned on the light to see what was going on. Boy that is the rowdiest bunch of chicks I ever hatched, I sure am enjoying them though.

I went out at 6 to haul water, etc etc - had to laugh at our ancient "barn cats" - they have beds under the carport on top of the storage containers for the poultry feed, with brooder lamps strung from the ceiling over them & snugglesafes - I reheated their snugglesafes & when I left for work they were already fed & back in bed & I can tell they have no intention of leaving any time soon. Sure wish it were me!

Everybody stay warm & safe! Maybe we'll get to build a snowman tomorrow morning!

Hi Terri, I hadn't been on a couple weeks or so. I will be thinking about you and praying for you. I am not liking this weather either to cold for me!!
Hello! It's a little while since the hubby & I have been on. But we are back in full force!! I do have a QUESTION! What causes my chickens to break & eat their own eggs and what can I do to stop this.

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