"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I don't know what could be wrong w/her, but maybe if you post this over in the "Illness, Disease, Injuries" section, someone there might could help you out.
Thank you Terri, I didn't even think of that
I'll do that now
Well I have an unfinished coop that I desperately need to complete. I had a "professional contractor" from the paper but they turned out to barely know how to use a power drill.
Would any of you "La-yers" know someone near DeRidder who may be able to help me for $$$? I need my pen enclosed and although it is almost done, my husband has not had time to finish it. It needs 5 more posts put into the ground, 4 panels of hardware cloth on it, and a door made for the pen. I also need 2 chicken doors put on the coop and ramps to go with them. Currently we leave the people door open all day for them to exit and enter. I need hardware cloth put over the two screen windows, 2 5-gallon water buckets hung on the inside and 1 5-gallon water bucket put outside in the pen. I have all the materials ready.

Ashleigh, I can't wait for your batch to hatch so I can come pick up my babies from you!
Are there specific "symptoms" or behaviors for broodiness? I have checked around and so far have only found remedies for broodiness. My red star that laid her first egg yesterday morning has been acting strange ever since. We caught my RIR roo covering her right before we took her egg so I'm not sure if she's acting like this because we took her egg or because maybe that RIR has worn her out lol She won't lay down or sit down, she's barely walking around she isn't eating or drinking. She is holding her tail down and her poo is almost clear and watery and she goes every couple of minutes. She's the top of the pecking order among my other hens but she is very antisocial now and when my daughter tried to pick her up so we could move her to a seperate pen she pecked her (something she has never done before) she tried to peck her a second time but hit the metal feeder instead and it broke the end of her beak off!! I picked her up and she started kicking and clawing at me, she really drew blood so I just put her back down, the moment I put her down she went and stood in the corner, fluffed out her feathers and started panting. She is still standing there this morning fluffed up and panting. She is normally very vocal but we haven't heard anything out of her since the day before yesterday. Is this because of the egg, broodiness or could she maybe be sick?? Please, any advice....

Sounds as if shes egg bound or has a broken egg lodged in her tract somewhere. you need to find out it will surely be her demise if not acted on soon.


First and foremost get her into isolation for her sake esp away form the 'randy' rooster he will surely take every opportunity to absolutely get his thing on this may be the cause of the problem if he has chose her to pick on frequently and it happens very often in flocks esp. with more than one cock they will gang up on a (favorite) meek hen always.
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Sounds as if shes egg bound or has a broken egg lodged in her tract somewhere. you need to find out it will surely be her demise if not acted on soon.


First and foremost get her into isolation for her sake esp away form the 'randy' rooster he will surely take every opportunity to absolutely get his thing on this may be the cause of the problem if he has chose her to pick on frequently and it happens very often in flocks esp. with more than one cock they will gang up on a (favorite) meek hen always.
I only have one roo but I have noticed that he only covers this one hen, he doesn't even pay attention to the others. If she is egg bound how do I get the stuck egg out? To tell you the truth I never thought an egg could break inside a chicken, shouldn't it be easier to get out if it's broken?
Well I have an unfinished coop that I desperately need to complete. I had a "professional contractor" from the paper but they turned out to barely know how to use a power drill.
Would any of you "La-yers" know someone near DeRidder who may be able to help me for $$$? I need my pen enclosed and although it is almost done, my husband has not had time to finish it. It needs 5 more posts put into the ground, 4 panels of hardware cloth on it, and a door made for the pen. I also need 2 chicken doors put on the coop and ramps to go with them. Currently we leave the people door open all day for them to exit and enter. I need hardware cloth put over the two screen windows, 2 5-gallon water buckets hung on the inside and 1 5-gallon water bucket put outside in the pen. I have all the materials ready.

Ashleigh, I can't wait for your batch to hatch so I can come pick up my babies from you!
Call the contractor department of your local lumberyards - they may know somebody who's reputable & can do it.
Stine will not recommend anyone for fear of liability. They do give out a long list of local contractors though. It's incredibly difficult to find a handyman (who is actually handy) around here. I have called at least a dozen contractors and they either think the job is too small or they are booked several months out. Some guys are in Houston, San Antonio...why they advertise here I do not know. I may just put an ad in the paper. In hindsight I should have just ordered one of the ridiculously expensive pre-made coops. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Our pen is so close to being done. I let the chickens free range all day and yet most of them stay in the pen.
It's the funniest thing. I let them out the people door on the side of the coop and they all trail around to the other side and hang out under the coop or in the area that's partially enclosed. Very few of them actually free range willingly.
A 5 week old Blue Ameraucana keeps flying to the top of the coop and struts around up there. He flies up to the top of the 6 foot high fence posts, then on to the roof. Must be a cockerel.
Stine will not recommend anyone for fear of liability. They do give out a long list of local contractors though. It's incredibly difficult to find a handyman (who is actually handy) around here. I have called at least a dozen contractors and they either think the job is too small or they are booked several months out. Some guys are in Houston, San Antonio...why they advertise here I do not know. I may just put an ad in the paper. In hindsight I should have just ordered one of the ridiculously expensive pre-made coops. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Our pen is so close to being done. I let the chickens free range all day and yet most of them stay in the pen.
It's the funniest thing. I let them out the people door on the side of the coop and they all trail around to the other side and hang out under the coop or in the area that's partially enclosed. Very few of them actually free range willingly.
A 5 week old Blue Ameraucana keeps flying to the top of the coop and struts around up there. He flies up to the top of the 6 foot high fence posts, then on to the roof. Must be a cockerel.

Maybe you could go over to O'neals, Circle C or TSC well all three and inquire there and put up bulletins asking for help. I'd bet there's probly a local farmer or High school student(s) 4-h or FFA that might could finish up your project for you. It really shouldn't take a skilled pro to build chicken runs or coops just the basics and mostly elbow grease and strong backs LOL
Terri, Jeff thank you both for the advice
She was egg bound, I followed the advice from the link and within about 20 minutes the egg finally came out
I'm thinking the egg got stuck because it was HUGE!!!! Her first egg was tiny but this one would have to be classified as extra large lol I'm glad to report that this morning she seems to be almost back to normal. She's still walking a little slow but I'm sure she will be right as rain in a few days.
Terri, Jeff thank you both for the advice
She was egg bound, I followed the advice from the link and within about 20 minutes the egg finally came out
I'm thinking the egg got stuck because it was HUGE!!!! Her first egg was tiny but this one would have to be classified as extra large lol I'm glad to report that this morning she seems to be almost back to normal. She's still walking a little slow but I'm sure she will be right as rain in a few days.

You're more than welcome and too keep an close eye on her for a bit just to make sure the next round she does alright too it may be a spell before she lays and then again she may lay right on cue, some times their first go around with laying can really be troublesome till they get everything in time and know what they are supposed to do. The type chicken she is, its common for them to have laying issues because they are simply bred(cloned I say) for high egg yields for short periods in their life span esp if kept on a high protein rations. I have 3 that are going on their 4 th year of production only had one issue with one she had prolapsed I put her all back together(Humpty Dumpty style) and isolated her for a little R&R this was 2 years ago and shes still producing to this day has out lived 2 of her brood mate the other 2 I never had a problem with yet I still see them going on the nest ever so often and I know exactly these three's eggs as I gather them. They are the largest and have their own unique 'terra-cotta" shell color still to this day. I now have 3 new pullets to replace these girls with for future La-yers. I love them they do just exactly what they are intended to do. Will always have me some GSL/sexlinks around esp in a flock of (Pro)reds just to add/mix in a little scenery to the sea of red LOL.

ok I shall quit chasing varmints and hush up now. LOL

Oh and good mornin' La-yers and BYCers

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