"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

from West Monroe!
What a beautiful day in the chicken coop!!!! It really needs to dry up so i can get in my garden and get to working for planting. On another note looks like its gonna be a bad hatch. Really saddening after 2 pretty good hatches.
I'm too afraid to post the turkey pics on this thread.

Not sure why I don't have too much mud. I have a little bit by the waterers but everything else is dried up. The sheep pen was a MESS!
Hi & welcome to BYC,Syber

Well not certain about these days,but back in the '70's we raisied ducks in the Garden District,lol. The link BayouPoules has some info on it, I didn't see anything about chickens. http://library.municode.com/index.aspx?clientId=14889&stateId=18&stateName=Louisiana

Better be safe than sorry,you may want to call the Monroe zoning office. If you have neighbors close,might want to see how they feel about it.

Yes,yall beautiful day in the neighborhood,lol. gotta get back at it,garden won't dig it self

I'm too afraid to post the turkey pics on this thread.

Not sure why I don't have too much mud. I have a little bit by the waterers but everything else is dried up. The sheep pen was a MESS!

Well I know alot of my problem is the newest part of my coop was just low. I added dirt but it didn't really have time to get packed down. My yard is a mess but we did run water lines this past year and have alot of low spots!! That's definetly something we have to work on!!

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