"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Good for you !!!!!!!!!


Keep us posted.
Fantastic! I hope to apply for mine in another couple of months, soon as I get this last batch of chicks up & running.

We're finally feeling almost like human beings again. Yesterday was just awful for me pain-wise, I guess the first day after a surgery always is, I finally had to break down & take pain pills. Jim's fighting a severe ear infection & running a high fever so the both of us weren't worth shooting these past 2 days.

But this morning-- woke up feeling better, just weak & washed out, the hens gave us 4 nice eggs so I scrambled those with some thick sliced bacon & toast. Jim's fever is down & he just cut a hole in a trash bag I can tape over my knee bandage so I can take a well-wished for shower. Then back to bed for a while.

When it warms up I plan to go just sit in the sun & soak up some healing rays--it's supposed to hit 60 today & the SKY is BLUE & a BIG YELLOW THING up there too! Whoo-hooo!!!!!
wish we could work on some of the outside projects but definitely not up to it yet - but we'll get there!

Edited to add: see the rooster in my avatar? That's a splash Andalusian I hatched from a BYC breeder 2 years ago. No longer have him but his daughter laid an extra large white egg yesterday -- that's what breeder quality will do for you! She isn't a big hen either, but very consistent layer year round of large white eggs. I'll be hatching some of those crossed on my Wheaton Ameracauna roo Eagle later this spring.
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Terri, I hope ya'll get to feeling better. They have some major crud going around. I had it 2 weeks ago and I was in bed for 6 straight days.!! It was nothing nice. I hope your knee continues to get better!!

I have an appt on the 23rd for an epidural lumbar injection. Keeping my fingers crossed that's it's "no big deal" like some say and that it helps!!

Take care of yourself!!
Great to hear Terri!!! Glad to hear you getting back on your feet!

And Barred Babes.. .Bout Time! And keep the Cruds down there!!!

I had a little crowing comp here as well. We got a BR roo from slaird yesterday. Kept him in the grow out coop closed up all night.. he wasn't a happy camper.. well him and my EE roo had a crow off! Then my Serama roo had to get in the middle of it. Sigh..

Getting 3 bators setup... Fixen to start the re-engineering of the LG so look for the posts in the incubation thread, as well as on louisianachickens.com The LG will be filled with my BYC's mixes.
Terri Ann, so glad ya'll are both up and moving,. I'm glad too that it's a nice day for your recuperation! ( and the rest of us too

Way to go Barred Babies

KG.. who won the crowing contest?
I'm going outside to hang with the chickens,. it's Sunny...
which will not be as wonderful in July at 101 degrees with 99% humidity,..

But I'll deal with that then! Today it's great!

Ya'l have a great day!
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KG you need to post your turkey pics on the La thread!! And I really wanna know... WHY don't you have mud???
I swear everybody posting pics and they have no mud!! I know I'm not the only person with mud right????
You know that's the only reason I like it getting 24 degrees is I can actually walk out there without sinking!!
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OK you guys, I just have to ask this because I didn't keep chickens when I lived in Louisiana... but... do they eat lovebugs?? Does ANYTHING eat those godforsaken creatures???? When we moved there, it was apparently at the veeeeeeerry start of fall lovebug season. I had been forewarned but had no idea that by the end of the first month, I would have to cut off all my hair because I couldn't keep them out of it!

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