"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

:hugs Sorry about the lost loved ones and the ones still pending their move to a better life.
Prim: Congrats on the 5K. You are becoming a better person for everything you are going threw and helping your friend. He is truly lucky for having you in his life.
Bunny math? I thought they bred too fast for a brain to decide it wants more. Good luck on your venture...hope he is ready to build more!
Chickens are the best tillers! Good luck on your growing.
It is getting colder, we had a large front hit us yesterday and another one to hit us in a few days. Hard to keep chicks outside when the weather has mood swings like this!
Kuntry, can't wait until you can get them all processed. All will not be normal...start of hatching season now! Good luck!

Thanks. This project has burned me out and I don't want to hatch anything this year. I'm done for the year and I have not eaten gotten started. :/

People are wanting this chick and that chick and this baby and that baby and I just want to scream cause I don't want to hatch ANYTHING!!! :barnie

My goal was to process 25 this weekend but 25 turned in to 4. It rained off and on the entire weekend. Although I only processed 4, I was happy with the results. The meat looked beautiful. The breasts and leg quarters turned out nice. Not much meat on the back and wings but nonetheless still good. I will use the back, necks and wings for beans.

Here are a few pics of the meat from this weekend. These broilers were 10 weeks old Friday.



love the skin, but it am slowly coming over to the skinning side. They look wonderful and meaty. Please share the cooking, are you going to brim them?


Skinning them was so quick and easy. I will probably brim some of them. I'm exciting about trying all kinds of different stuff.
kuntry, how much did the birds that you butchered end up weighing?

There must have been some mix up because mine are 4 weeks and already 1.75 - 2+ lbs.

The ones you cleaned look yummy! I have no chicken left in my freezer.......so I will be ready to get some put back up in there when these I have are ready to harvest.
Yesterday at work I was randomly hugged TWICE. I'm not a hugger, no touchy! Lol if you get a hug, you're a special person

I almost stabbed hugger number 2, wish I was exaggerating
if it was a tazer day she'd have gotten a shock and I wouldn't be a sweetheart mommy who needs a hug, I'd be the Cray Cray from the news!

She grabbed my shoulder from behind hanging out of an elevator cleaning,I was in a zone scrubbing, whipped me around and I was ready to save my self from whatever was trying to get me and was ready

I was on the news last week, I work downtown nights and apparently many state workers are channel 9 fans lol the lady had a smile so big it stopped me instantly from my rush of what's happening (and the fact it was a woman) but could have easily been another news story.

I know Southerners are super friendly, very social and very huggy lol but please, please, please- holler or say anything if coming up on a stranger! Make your presence known before smothering them in those F size bazookas!
BBBaaaaaahhhhaaaaaa!!!!!!!! I can just see the follow up story now...
Yesterday at work I was randomly hugged TWICE. I'm not a hugger, no touchy! Lol if you get a hug, you're a special person :gig

I almost stabbed hugger number 2, wish I was exaggerating :( if it was a tazer day she'd have gotten a shock and I wouldn't be a sweetheart mommy who needs a hug, I'd be the Cray Cray from the news! :th

She grabbed my shoulder from behind hanging out of an elevator cleaning,I was in a zone scrubbing, whipped me around and I was ready to save my self from whatever was trying to get me and was ready :th

I was on the news last week, I work downtown nights and apparently many state workers are channel 9 fans lol the lady had a smile so big it stopped me instantly from my rush of what's happening (and the fact it was a woman) but could have easily been another news story.

I know Southerners are super friendly, very social and very huggy lol but please, please, please- holler or say anything if coming up on a stranger! Make your presence known before smothering them in those F size bazookas!

I totally understand. I"m not a hugger either. I don't like touching people. :oops: And I don't like people touching me. :oops: And I don't like the little "nick names" that come with being a "Southerner". Call me by my name or don't say anything to me. My parents didn't take 9 months to find the perfect name for me so that you can call me, "Baby", "Boo", "Hun", "Bae", "Sweetie", "Love" or whatever else you're use to calling others. I could rip my eyeballs out when people call me those names. I CAN'T STAND IT !!!!!!! :barnie
PHOTO BOMBED BY A CHICKEN NUGGET!!! Lol!!! I only have 6 chicken nuggets and they are always coming up to the front of the enclosure to get belly rubs. So when I went to try and take a picture of the funny "do" on the chick in the back I happened to get this funny picture. Made me smile. The friendliest chicken nuggets ever.
Too CUTE !!!!!

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