"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Pine should be fine. I saw the chicken whisperer . He talked about checking there feet once a week. No bumps is a good thing. He did talk about the weight of the bird jumping to and from the purch . That it's a lot of force that the roost should be sanded to have less risk of injury. Maybe she jumped wrong and sprained her foot ankle . If it was me and I couldn't find any injury just pain I would soak in Epsom salt for a short time tonight in warm water. When I put her in the coop I would not let her jump. Or isolate so she can heal. Soak again in morning see if it seems better if not look closer and ask kuntrygirl ,forever, or Jeff .keep us informed. Pam

Thanks. She doesn't roost yet (only a couple days old) but I'll keep that in mind. Thanks
Thanks. She doesn't roost yet (only a couple days old) but I'll keep that in mind. Thanks

I didn't know it was a chick. All chickens try to hid any injury b/c of pecking order.And being pecked on. some times they hide it so well you go check and they've passed. Isolate the chick. I'd soak with epson salt then dry if you have blue cote it couldn't hurt if it is a tiny cut it will help.
Can ya'll give me some advice on skinning? I tried but ended up just tearing his legs up because I couldn't get the skin off :-/. I ended up plucking, which wasn't that hard after dunking in the hot water, but skinning would have been easier if I could have gotten the skin off. Do you also gut them while skinning? Thanks

I was out of pocket today because i had to cull 3. So ima tell you how I do it....
Hang by feet, slice neck, bleed out, cut head off.
Cut off feet at the knee joint. Cut off wings at joint. Lay on table breast up.
Hold the very edge of the skin where you cut the head off, and with a knife, slice just a smidge. Use both hands, one on each side, and just rip it like paper... another handful on both sides, and rip again... it will peel off.
There will be a little tugging of course, and if you get stuck, use knife to cut skin edge of skin only again.
Skin is attatched by stucky stuff to the meat, sometimes you just need to run your hand between the two to separate.
Hope this helps a little, course im posting this late tonight, and was catching up, so someone probably already answered this.

'Loppy Legg', my hen was one that i had to cull today. Regretfully. She had fowl pox WHEN SHE HATCHED. And grew up always walking like one leg was longer than the other. But she plopped along just fine. Bout 9 months old now and a great layer, course her green eggs look like 7 of my others except more slender.... But, I hatched one of her eggs 4 days ago and this chick has a loppy leg as well. I cant sell those, plus, if her back was any indication of how her kids would be treated, I wont have it. My Roos had a harder time with their romantic interludes due to her inability to balance once they climbed on... so it took longer and they would get rough. Most of her back feathers were gone, and her longer leg side, the wing..was starting to get mangled.
So, farwell LOPPY. You were a sweetheart.
NOW, the above pic, is her... can yall see the distortion of the bones, how one side is longer than the other and even the ribcage is curled? Anyone ever seen this?
Just want to make sure it was a growth problem due to the pox and not something else.
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Also, I've never culled a hen before, and I thought I would share where our eggs come from! She had not laid yet today, so I got a nice green egg, and then these little beauties! Can you guys see the yellow spot proving fertilization?! Thought this was cool...
Can ya'll give me some advice on skinning? I tried but ended up just tearing his legs up because I couldn't get the skin off :-/. I ended up plucking, which wasn't that hard after dunking in the hot water, but skinning would have been easier if I could have gotten the skin off. Do you also gut them while skinning? Thanks


Shannon, I absolutely love your run. I need one just like it. Liked you on FB.
I'm not a pro at it but what worked for me was that I pulled a few feathers from the back. Once I had a good plucked area, I pulled the skin, cut about 1 inch slit and then I grabbed the skin and pulled it to one side and then grab another section and pulled it to the other side until I had pulled it all the way off. No meat damaged. It was a perfect skinning.

Shows what I know. I thought you started in the front. Is the back easier?

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