"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

We always need to know the age first as each different stage has a few different reasons for the same symptom list. Was she hatched or did you buy her as a chick? What breed is she? How much of the time since you started caring for her has she had this problem? Do you have an open top brooder? What is the floor under the shavings? How big is she compared to the rest of the group? Do you have them on any supplements other then chick starter? Pam's advice is right on ball if there is any cut or infection and it wouldn't hurt to do it even if there is none you can see. Best case she feels better, worst case she gets some relaxing time with you.

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We always need to know the age first as each different stage has a few different reasons for the same symptom list. Was she hatched or did you buy her as a chick? What breed is she? How much of the time since you started caring for her has she had this problem? Do you have an open top brooder? What is the floor under the shavings? How big is she compared to the rest of the group? Do you have them on any supplements other then chick starter? Pam's advice is right on ball if there is any cut or infection and it wouldn't hurt to do it even if there is none you can see. Best case she feels better, worst case she gets some relaxing time with you.

Thanks for responding... I stated that it was a chick in my first post, but that was a couple pages back. I bought the chick from a BYC member. She hatched it.. It's a rhodebar/RIR cross. I've had the chick since Sunday. I noticed the foot Tuesday. It is the same age as the rest of the babies, but a little smaller. The floor under the shavings is wood. Brooder has a lid.

'Loppy Legg', my hen was one that i had to cull today. Regretfully. She had fowl pox WHEN SHE HATCHED. And grew up always walking like one leg was longer than the other. But she plopped along just fine. Bout 9 months old now and a great layer, course her green eggs look like 7 of my others except more slender.... But, I hatched one of her eggs 4 days ago and this chick has a loppy leg as well. I cant sell those, plus, if her back was any indication of how her kids would be treated, I wont have it. My Roos had a harder time with their romantic interludes due to her inability to balance once they climbed on... so it took longer and they would get rough. Most of her back feathers were gone, and her longer leg side, the wing..was starting to get mangled.
So, farwell LOPPY. You were a sweetheart.
NOW, the above pic, is her... can yall see the distortion of the bones, how one side is longer than the other and even the ribcage is curled? Anyone ever seen this?
Just want to make sure it was a growth problem due to the pox and not something else.
Sorry about Loppy Legg.
I know it's not always easy to make some of the decisions we do.

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