"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I would like to go what time is it and where on 41. Pam
I wish i was close enough, i have 4 Black Austrlorp Roosters that i need to get rid of, and 4 RIRs, i have surprize for everyone, i got a moumoth size egg to show off, and some darrrrk brown

My first meal when i got home from offshore today, thats some yum yum tight there

just a few of the 7 1/2 dz eggs in the fridge, i got an egg count at noon, 16, and i have 1 hen sitting on six eggs and she scolded me when i go close to her but she let me count the eggs without any fuss then she rolled them back under her,

This giant egg is the same diameter of the quarter if you stand it on its end atop the quarter

The egg on the right is a large size and is from a new layer, probably RSL
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I have one Easter egger that mated with my legbar rooster. I just put the eggs in my new bator. I hope I get a good hatch. its my first time.
Can't wait till hatch day. Pam
I am crossing my fingers for everything to go well with your hatch, on the breeding issue, i want to have blue,green and olive eggers in my special flock, I have a white chick that came with the rescue birds, it has muffs like the others but white as snow, no markings, this just came to pass while i was offshore, a lot can change in 2 weeks, now i know why the other white chicks picked on it so much.
I am crossing my fingers for everything to go well with your hatch, on the breeding issue, i want to have blue,green and olive eggers in my special flock, I have a white chick  that came with the rescue birds, it has muffs like the others but white as snow, no markings, this just came to pass while i was offshore, a lot can change in 2 weeks, now i know why the other white chicks picked on it so much.

Might be a real amercaunas, instead of Easter egger. Pam
I wish i was close enough, i have 4 Black Austrlorp Roosters that i need to get rid of, and 4 RIRs, i have surprize for everyone, i got a moumoth size egg to show off, and some darrrrk brown eggs. My first meal when i got home from offshore today, thats some yum yum tight there just a few of the 7 1/2 dz eggs in the fridge, i got an egg count at noon, 16, and i have 1 hen sitting on six eggs and she scolded me when i go close to her but she let me count the eggs without any fuss then she rolled them back under her, This giant egg is the same diameter of the quarter if you stand it on its end atop the quarter The egg on the right is a large size and is from a new layer, probably RSL
We call those fart eggs. They are from a hens first egg. Lol! Did she ask for you to pull her finger? :lau
Whosin town Saturday and wants to process 30 chickens? Lol I'm thinking of taking on the task. :th quick talk me outta it!

This morning we doubled our chicken population :cd
(chicks are a variable in chicken math that equal "zero" I've decided :gig and meat chicks are a negative so yay! :lau)

Here's the lil survivor packing peanut from a CX order a few months back. Pretty guy. Loves to cuddle. Like a cat tho, has already attacked me for wrong spot to scratch so I'm almost sure he's a roo lol

One of my new layers leaves me these lil eggs lol

A lot of people on a meat thread were having issue with bunnies eating their young.
Each had an underlying cause (stress, predator near, malnutrition) but was becoming a daily posting by different people :th
I found this and laughed so hard...still do. I'm posted it and was flogged. :gig only one like n and that was on our own page by our Southern Fairy Godmother! :lau so I don't think it counts!


In other news...rabbit bucks throw blanks in high heat. Why didn't I know this before? Ug.
And my eldest bucks hips are hopped out, time to eat him. :( he's getting lame in his hind quarters from a bad hip and vet says its age (over 5 vet thinks we should dispatch, large breeds tend to poop out sooner) hmmmm I'm stalling, hubby mentioned it again last week lol

I lost my favorite chicken :'( my ameraucana.
Found her dead in the coop. Rip Blondie.
She was my morning chicken hugger.


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