"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Yea, now that I've raised a batch of chicks it really enforces for me how incredible it is that instinct is what drives animals. Makes humans kinda look pathetic
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Oh my goodness!! They're so big!!! I swear everyone's birds mature faster than mine that I got as babies. I guess it's the australorp blood that makes them so slow?

Everyones's got combs and wattles now, so I think that when one starts laying, they all will. I don't (prefer not to) have any light in the coop, but should I get some fake eggs? Would that encourage those who were laying to start again?

Sure they aren't laying some where other than the coop? It could just be the weather even during the day we haven't had sun till today.
Someone on the facebook coventon swap page has juliblee orpingtons . I know you have s.s. But originally wanted the jubilee. Pam
In the future if this happenes you,you can freeze your bird and ship to LSU and for a fee they will do a necropsy and send you a report. Riicrow just had one done she May be able to let you the fee and all needed to do it. Sorry you lost your her. I 'm glad to hear from you sorry it's about a dead hen. Pam

The necrosis I think was $60. I took my girl in so there was also a $20 examination fee. The results tale 4-6 weeks but if you are worried about something that might spread, or effect future chicks and hatchings it is worth it!
I am going to load 20 eggs in the bator tomorrow, got a new digital therm/hygrometer and it reads tthe same as the ones on the incubator, the therms i used last time is reading 4 degrees colder, so i am almost positive that is why the chicks came 2 days early. Donna will be carring for them until i get home on the 22nd. All these were straight from the nests today. 6 OEs to replace some of the ones i sold yesterday, I amgoing to get 3 Blue Adalusians hens and a roo tomorrow plus to Buff orpingtons, trading 5 Black sex link hens for them.
The necrosis I think was $60. I took my girl in so there was also a $20 examination fee. The results tale 4-6 weeks but if you are worried about something that might spread, or effect future chicks and hatchings it is worth it!

60 is a lot less than they charge in Ms. He's not breeding but wanted to know. Thanks! Pam
Sure they aren't laying some where other than the coop? It could just be the weather even during the day we haven't had sun till today.
Someone on the facebook coventon swap page has juliblee orpingtons . I know you have s.s. But originally wanted the jubilee. Pam

Thanks Pam, that's awesome! I'll have to check it out. I saw some recently about an hour from me. $20 for a day-old chick, straight run, so I politely declined. :lau

I've checked and rechecked the yard for hidden nests, and I do head counts constantly (from the doors/windows). I haven't found anything yet, but it's a secret fear. And at the risk of being too vulgar, when I dusted them the other day I noticed some changes in vent appearance. The pullets are still not quite as heavy as the hens, though, if that means anything.

In case y'all haven't noticed, I'm not good at waiting patiently. 13 days on eggs in the bator, and no timeline on eggs in the yard. :/
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I am going to load 20 eggs in the bator tomorrow, got a new digital therm/hygrometer and it reads tthe same as the ones on the incubator, the therms i used last time is reading 4 degrees colder, so i am almost positive that is why the chicks came 2 days early. Donna will be carring for them until i get home on the 22nd. All these were straight from the nests today. 6 OEs to replace some of the ones i sold yesterday, I amgoing to get 3 Blue Adalusians hens and a roo tomorrow plus to Buff orpingtons, trading 5 Black sex link hens for them.

I just read that over heating makes a hatch early. I read it on one of the links on hatching that Lemon posted. Pam
Congratulautions! Its so much fun when your plans come together. I hope your olive eggers turn out better than mine they lay light brown. They are so mean to the others too. They might wind up for sale. Pam
Well, i certainly hope they lay olive, however i have warned the ones who bought my eggs and chicks, they are EE/OE, they can lay many different colors, i have 2 hens laying sky blue eggs, those will probably produce green egg layers, i have several that lay olive eggs so i hope they will be darker, i wont know for sure till may or june.

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