"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Cody, my friend, I am so proud of you. You have come such a long way in just a few months. Go for it. Nice of her to offer. You are getting such a good start to your endeavor. Glad the plucker worked out. I won't be getting one for quite a while. lol I'm still trucking along. Going to the surgeon for the first visit on the 16th and I think they want to do the surgery around the 1st or so. I'm so not looking forward to it but the longer I put it off the longer I'll have to wait to really get busy on my plans.
Finally got in touch with my health inspector today. I can grow all the veggies I want and serve them at camp, no problem whatsoever.

Eggs, on the other hand, have to come from an inspected facility. I can contact the department of agriculture and try to get inspected, but if a facility owns less than a specific number of hens (500 maybe?) then they are exempt from inspection. So it's sounding like a real Catch 22 here.

The GOOD news is that he has no trouble with chickens on the property as long as they aren't free ranging on the grounds and the coop is maintained. He has no problems with the kids handling the chickens. I just can't use the eggs (yet). So a big, easy to clean coop and a fenced-in run is all he requires. Easy peasy. I wanted them contained for their own safety, anyway.



My australorp mixes are laying! What I thought yesterday was a sussex egg is actually a pullet egg, from the one with the gold feathers. Oh well. :/ Still hoping for that 13-egg day by March.
keep up the good work...you will get there....hoping to get 70 chicken eggs by the weekend...so well see....heres the second cooler bator which is bigger then the first one

Morning La-yers! Well I guess Good Afternoon since I just realized it's past 12! busy at work today.

I candled & looks like all but 2 are showing signs of development so hopefully will have more RIRs next weekend!

It was so nice to get outside & enjoy the nice weather. We took out some diseased redtips which will be replaced with altheas next weekend, also some roses that I was just tired of fooling with - I'm going to divide my big cannas down the side of the fence instead.

The Blue Australorp eggs never did show up; I feel sorry for whoever finds them now! Exploding rotten eggs, ewwww!!!!!!
Well thank you Linda. I've been working on the run today and was thinking the same thing. I've gotten a lot done since I started in September. I've learned so much and still have a lot to learn. I'm just so fortunate I have the space and extra dollars to throw at this project. I know my efforts now will pay me back in leaps and bounds through the years.
Yes the plucker worked good. I still need to get the technique down better. My Bro-in-law brought 15 birds to process. My 12 yr old nephew and his friend came along. Those boys were actually doing the cutting of the throats. I was proud of them. They got a good experience. :)

So I guess you got your eggs in the bator ok.

I hope your surgeon gives you a go ahead and doesn't want to put it off. Sounds like you need to get this done.
Hey Camping,

Congratulations on everything coming together sounds like it's happening for you :highfive:

Thanks Cody! :D
We have a board meeting this weekend, and I'll present all my plans and info to them. And then they'll say "You're awesome! We love you!" And give me all the permission and money I need. :fl :D :fl

The guy at the dept. of agriculture is supposed to get back to me today or tomorrow. He's not sure what regulation DHH had, but he's trying to figure it out.

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