"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hi everyone I was gone yesterday because my biefelder hen was egg bound. After a few warm soaks with Dead Sea salt,that's what I had or would have went with Epsom salt, and massages. I'm happy to report the egg was come out and she is eating. That was nerve racking. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Other news my amercauna hen laid her first egg today.:yiipchick Pam
Hi everyone I was gone yesterday because my biefelder hen was egg bound. After a few warm soaks with Dead Sea salt,that's what I had or would have went with Epsom salt, and massages. I'm happy to report the egg was come out and she is eating. That was nerve racking. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Other news my amercauna hen laid her first egg today.:yiipchick Pam
what is egg bound? sorry if its a stupid question but I've never heard of that and I need to know in case something like that happens in my flock.. congrats on your first blue egg! By the way, at what age do bantams start laying? this is my first year with bantams. Is it around the same age as a regular sized chicken? I'm just wondering when my Seabright will give me their first egg?
I contacted coastline poultry to let the owner know about my hatch. Was not complaining at all just let her know my hatch rate and said I was happy with what I got, also sent a pic. She offered to send a dozen more Biele eggs for $35.00 this week that's with shipping included. She said she "Wished I had a better hatch". I think I should jump on this. It was extremely nice of her to offer.

Also processed my first birds today. They weren't mine were my sisters extra cockerals. Got to try out the new EZ plucker. Worked good :)
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what is egg bound? sorry if its a stupid question but I've never heard of that and I need to know in case something like that happens in my flock.. congrats on your first blue egg! By the way, at what age do bantams start laying? this is my first year with bantams. Is it around the same age as a regular sized chicken? I'm just wondering when my Seabright will give me their first egg?

Their are no stupid questions well maybe the ones you don't ask :idunno. Egg bound is when your laying hen stops laying and stops eating and has the runs.When standing moving feathers to see vent you can see she is pushing and releasing but nothing is happening.When you feel around you can feel an egg thats not moving.Put on your purple gloves lube up insert finger in vent to see if you can feel the egg. This time I couldn't but you are adding lube to help her. Do not break the egg if you feel it this is dangerious. Give a soak in warm water with epson salt let soak a good 30 min. Massage her where you feel the egg. You may have to repeat this a few times if nessary. Keep her warm try to get her to drink vitamen water.I got up today and she laied her egg. If you notice the runs with not eating and laying in coop when normally she would run out check for these symptons. Lighter comb too.bantums are like any chicken 4 to 6 months. Pam
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I contacted coastline poultry to let the owner know about my hatch. Was not complaining at all just let her know my hatch rate and said I was happy with what I got, also sent a pic. She offered to send a dozen more Biele eggs for $35.00 this week that's with shipping included. She said she "Wished I had a better hatch". I think I should jump on this. It was extremely nice of her to offer.

Also processed my first birds today. They weren't mine were my sisters extra cockerals. Got to try out the new EZ plucker. Worked good :)

I would jump on it. Pam
Their are no stupid questions well maybe the ones you don't ask :idunno. Egg bound is when your laying hen stops laying and stops eating and has the runs.When standing moving feathers to see vent you can see she is pushing and releasing but nothing is happening.When you feel around you can feel an egg thats not moving.Put on your purple gloves lube up insert finger in vent to see if you can feel the egg. This time I couldn't but you are adding lube to help her. Do not break the egg if you feel it this is dangerious. Give a soak in warm water with epson salt let soak a good 30 min. Massage her where you feel the egg. You may have to repeat this a few times if nessary. Keep her warm try to get her to drink vitamen water.I got up today and she laied her egg. If you notice the runs with not eating and laying in coop when normally she would run out chek for these symptons. Lighter comb too.Bantumsare like any chicken 4 to 6 months. Pam
wow... i have noticed there is 1 color of the runs for yhe past 2 weeks. I have not been able to see who it is coming from though. None are acting strange and all are eating and begging for snacks. So.... idk
wow... i have noticed there is 1 color of the runs for yhe past 2 weeks. I have not been able to see who it is coming from though. None are acting strange and all are eating and begging for snacks. So.... idk

There are a lot of reasons they could have the runs. You should see it on their backside if they have had it for two weeks. Once you find it then you can determine the cause . Chickens are almost every animals prey so they will hide symptoms or illness till it's really bad or too late. So if I was you I would go find the hen with runny buns. Pam
There are a lot of reasons they could have the runs. You should see it on their backside if they have had it for two weeks. Once you find it then you can determine the cause . Chickens are almost every animals prey so they will hide symptoms or illness till it's really bad or too late. So if I was you I would go find the hen with runny buns. Pam
will do!!
There are a lot of reasons they could have the runs. You should see it on their backside if they have had it for two weeks. Once you find it then you can determine the cause . Chickens are almost every animals prey so they will hide symptoms or illness till it's really bad or too late. So if I was you I would go find the hen with runny buns. Pam

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