"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"


this sucker killed killed one of my young roosters but couldn't swallow it

That sucks but at least you caught it! Pam
Today I drove south for the morning and got to meet Topdog and all his birds. He took me around and showed me his setup. All his coops and brooders and future breeding prospects. We had a good visit. Also got to see some rural parts of LA that I've never been to before.

Thank you again for taking the time and having me down TD.

While checking on the young Cochin this evening this cutie, Oreo was practicing his crowing. Quite adorable at this stage when they are still quiet about it. Lol! I just love his foot feathering! He is a mottled. Still not sure if we will be keeping him long term.
Today I drove south for the morning and got to meet Topdog and all his birds. He took me around and showed me his setup. All his coops and brooders and future breeding prospects. We had a good visit. Also got to see some rural parts of LA that I've never been to before.

Thank you again for taking the time and having me down TD.

The pleasure was all mine CodyA, i enjoyed the downtime and the great conversation and showing off my birds and setup, and my olive eggs and all the other things, i finished the front on the middle juvie house, dug post holes and set posts for the EE yard renovations, all i have to do tomorrow is run the wire, build and install the gate, then i will move up the hill and build a bigger yard for my orps and other girls
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Congratulations! Its fantastic to have all your hard work come to fruition. I love the shade of those eggs!
Thanks forgetful, it is very fullfilling to reach each milestone in a longterm project, now i can move into the next phase and back breed these to make the next gen even darker, i hope to have those results by early next year.
The pleasure was all mine CodyA, i enjoyed the downtime and the great conversation and showing off my birds and setup, and my olive eggs and all the other things, i finished the front on the middle juvie house, dug post holes and set posts for the EE yard renovations, all i have to do tomorrow is run the wire, build and install the gate, then i will move up the hill and build a bigger yard for my orps and other girls

Hope you get done with what you plan to do before you go back to work.
Don't work too hard.
Man yesterday was a killer! We finished the last section of fence yesterday. Drove t-posts, wooden 4x4s, unrolled hog wire, attached to tractor and used come along to stretch. Then clip to t-posts and hammer staples to 4x4s. Weedeat and mow the next section then repeat. We battled wasps and the heat all day. Started at 8:30 and ended at 7. The heat was the worst since we didn't have shade. I came out of the whole ordeal with a nice sunburn, lots of cuts and bruises, and one crushed pointer finger. But the fence is done! :D We'll quickly run the electric fencing and the field will be ready for the horses again

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