"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

They are still in a broader outside in a barn dont have pics right now we did get 4 new chicks from a lady that are about 2 weeks older everybody else is doing great
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What could he pick up from the other birds I don't want to lose him


These are just a few of the respiratory illnesses that google thought up. There are other types of germs that birds can spread from one place to another, like coccidia. Have you visited the BYC learning center? There are lots of good articles over there.
Thanks for everyone's thoughts. I have about decided to keep the dog. Like Pam said, it's more my fault than his. I should have secured the run a little better. I know that I simply will never be able to trust him around the chickens though.
Thanks for everyone's thoughts.  I have about decided to keep the dog. Like Pam said, it's more my fault than his.  I should have secured the run a little better.  I know that I simply will never be able to trust him around the chickens though.

Good luck with your endeavors! I know most of us would be happy to help you replenish your flock when the time comes. I'm only hatching EE mixes right now, but in about a month I'll have HRIR eggs (and chicks 21 days after that ;) ) ready to go.

I also have young, unrelated svart hona pairs that I need to clear out.
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Thanks for everyone's thoughts.  I have about decided to keep the dog. Like Pam said, it's more my fault than his.  I should have secured the run a little better.  I know that I simply will never be able to trust him around the chickens though.

It's a decision that would vary for each of us, there is no right or wrong choice. Glad to see you made the "right" one for you. Personally, our dog is a part of our family so I would have to make the same choice.

These are just a few of the respiratory illnesses that google thought up. There are other types of germs that birds can spread from one place to another, like coccidia. Have you visited the BYC learning center? There are lots of good articles over there.
Thank you they had some good info I put some antibiotics in their water hopefully that will help
Thank you they had some good info I put some antibiotics in their water hopefully that will help

If only one is showing signs I would seperate that one now, then watch the others for any signs. It's bad enough to have one sick one, but to have them all sick would be terrible.

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