"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Doing great! I think I had about 30 honas at one point. I've culled down to the very best, still have a few pairs/trios to sell. I let mine range, too. It's a shame that people won't. I haven't had much luck selling, but I'm getting more inquiries so hopefully that will change. :fl

I'll have the honas and the HRIR from Terri as my pure breeds this year, then I'm going to work on some mixes. I have this OE cuckoo marans I got from Sally Sunshine that I'm putting with an EE/cochin who lays a green egg. I think they'll make big, gorgeous babies that have a fuller body than typical OEs, and feathered shanks.


Then I have this stunningly handsome sapphire roo from Sally Sunshine also, and I plan to put him with these two EE pullets.


And I got a bunch of muscovies for the camp!

These are the eggs I'm getting. Not totally sure who's laying them. But they're neat colors!


Isbars lay eggs in those shades.
I know! :hit none of mine survived. These are all mixed pullets laying right now.

Forgot to say I haven't had any coyote losses since we cleared land for the farm, but I've lost a good many to hawks recently.
So do I! :hit I've made a lot of friends with the folks at granny's thread and Sally's, too. I shipped my first eggs a few weeks ago, they're in lockdown right now. I'm hoping to have a new clutch gathered to ship Monday.
So do I! :hit I've made a lot of friends with the folks at granny's thread and Sally's, too. I shipped my first eggs a few weeks ago, they're in lockdown right now. I'm hoping to have a new clutch gathered to ship Monday.

Glad to hear your starting to sell them. I sell a lot of hatching eggs. I just liked your page for you. Nice page I need to start one too.

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