"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hi Pam! :frow I've missed you!

I've missed you too. So happy to see people back. I'll get back in my routine. I'm ready to hatch. Finally have every breed in breed pens. I'll be selling a few breeds. I have too many to keep up with. I wound up with a trio of fifty five flowery hens, a pair of lyonnaise and some others. All from green fire. How are you? My honas are great. They are preditor savey . So I let them free range. I still have a coyotee problem. Pam
Hi Pam! :frow I've missed you!

I've missed you too. So happy to see people back. I'll get back in my routine. I'm ready to hatch. Finally have every breed in breed pens. I'll be selling a few breeds. I have too many to keep up with. I wound up with a trio of fifty five flowery hens, a pair of lyonnaise and some others. All from green fire. How are you? My honas are great. They are preditor savey . So I let them free range. I still have a coyotee problem. Pam

Doing great! I think I had about 30 honas at one point. I've culled down to the very best, still have a few pairs/trios to sell. I let mine range, too. It's a shame that people won't. I haven't had much luck selling, but I'm getting more inquiries so hopefully that will change. :fl

I'll have the honas and the HRIR from Terri as my pure breeds this year, then I'm going to work on some mixes. I have this OE cuckoo marans I got from Sally Sunshine that I'm putting with an EE/cochin who lays a green egg. I think they'll make big, gorgeous babies that have a fuller body than typical OEs, and feathered shanks.


Then I have this stunningly handsome sapphire roo from Sally Sunshine also, and I plan to put him with these two EE pullets.


And I got a bunch of muscovies for the camp!

These are the eggs I'm getting. Not totally sure who's laying them. But they're neat colors!


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