"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

New question. My JoJo is setting her eggs and this is day 17. I am crazy inept at candling, but I think I am going to have my first grandchicks in a few days. Woohoo! She made her nest up high and the chicks will fall and be injured when they hatch. I have The idea to make a nursery and put a 3’ hardware cloth circular fence around it. I would lock them up at night. I cut the legs off a bunny hutch so the babies can hop in and out of the nursery but not out of the little yard I’m making around it. If those babies get loose I’m concerned that the other hens might kill them. I have one old hen in a geriatric ward right now because they tried to kill her, TWICE. DO HENS THAT ATTACK OLD HENS SND NEWCOMERS TO THE FLOCK ALSO ATTACK BABIES?
New question. My JoJo is setting her eggs and this is day 17. I am crazy inept at candling, but I think I am going to have my first grandchicks in a few days. Woohoo! She made her nest up high and the chicks will fall and be injured when they hatch. I have The idea to make a nursery and put a 3’ hardware cloth circular fence around it. I would lock them up at night. I cut the legs off a bunny hutch so the babies can hop in and out of the nursery but not out of the little yard I’m making around it. If those babies get loose I’m concerned that the other hens might kill them. I have one old hen in a geriatric ward right now because they tried to kill her, TWICE. DO HENS THAT ATTACK OLD HENS SND NEWCOMERS TO THE FLOCK ALSO ATTACK BABIES?

Depends on the mama. My broodies this year are FIERCE and have fought snakes away from their nests. I don’t think the flock as a whole views chicks in the same way they view weak members. My first batch this year was adopted by a roo who apparently has a thing for single moms. He raised the chicks with her and when they were old enough for her to abandon, he continued to tend them a few more weeks. He’s a Svart hona and I did find their parenting instincts to be stronger than average.
Depends on the mama. My broodies this year are FIERCE and have fought snakes away from their nests. I don’t think the flock as a whole views chicks in the same way they view weak members. My first batch this year was adopted by a roo who apparently has a thing for single moms. He raised the chicks with her and when they were old enough for her to abandon, he continued to tend them a few more weeks. He’s a Svart hona and I did find their parenting instincts to be stronger than average.
Depends on the mama. My broodies this year are FIERCE and have fought snakes away from their nests. I don’t think the flock as a whole views chicks in the same way they view weak members. My first batch this year was adopted by a roo who apparently has a thing for single moms. He raised the chicks with her and when they were old enough for her to abandon, he continued to tend them a few more weeks. He’s a Svart hona and I did find their parenting instincts to be stronger than average.

Babies started hatching yesterday at day 20. Four are good, one died, one eggs was rotten and two haven’t hatched. This is day 21. I candled the two but it was meaningless. As long as not clearly rotten I’ll Hang in there a couple more days.

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