"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

View attachment 1839721 View attachment 1839713 So, I adopted a new dog to be a pal to my lab. The other night before i locked the coop he figured out a way to get through the chicken yard fence and got one of my hens. I got her from him and have secured the fence. He had bitten off a very area of her back skin. No stitchable. She acted amazingly normal. She’s been in sick bay in my extra bedroom for over a week. My vet friend and I cleaned the area and put BluCote on it. Now this enormous scab is peeling at the edges. Will the scab come off? Will new skin develop where there was no more skin?

The scab will come off and new skin will develope, surprisingly fast too just keep up what your doing and :hugs for your efforts. Id ask the vet friend if she thinks a course of feed store antibiotics would be desirable

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