"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Haha! EEs are number one :woot.... although the olive Eggers would be nice. I do like my Cuckoo Marans... she is a nice, very large girl! And my SS has just started to lay a few weeks ago and her eggs are small too... hoping they get bigger :fl
Here are my EEs... Kelly is a year and a half... and the flowers are three and a half months...View attachment 1882593View attachment 1882594View attachment 1882595View attachment 1882596

Do you know what hatchery your's are from?
But how did your leghorns do with confinement? That's the kicker, I'm needing good laying combined with a bird that doesn't mind the run & coop. I love leghorns, but was concerned about this. I had a leghorn once but she laid tiny eggs and died randomly last year before she made a year old.

I’ve never had a problem with my white Leghorns. Every run I’ve ever made was at least 10’x20’ and my tractors have varied in size, average 4’x6’. They’ve all seemed content with their surroundings. The only bird that I’ve had that didn’t like confinement was a Campine. WL get along well with other WL and they tend to be at the top of the pecking order with my other breeds.
I’ve never had a problem with my white Leghorns. Every run I’ve ever made was at least 10’x20’ and my tractors have varied in size, average 4’x6’. They’ve all seemed content with their surroundings. The only bird that I’ve had that didn’t like confinement was a Campine. WL get along well with other WL and they tend to be at the top of the pecking order with my other breeds.

My coop is 8x13 and my run is 16x13 so room shouldn't be an issue for no more than 6 birds.

And thank you for the feedback!
Do you know what hatchery your's are from?
I sure don’t... sorry.... my first gal from last year is from TSC.. and the three from this year are from a feed store... I also ended up with a EE rooster... but gave him away very early on as he mercilessly attacked my SS... they were only a few weeks old.. but he is a nice rooster now and extremely gorgeous!! When I picked these last three together I made sure they all looked completely different... :)
No. I live close to Mississippi and my TSC is in Mississipp

ETA: I thought they ordered from Hoover too but when they told me that it threw me off.

:frow sorry didnt have time for responding last night, i run an insanely busy household.

Second i dont support hatcheries. Like mass food production i understand that it has a need to meet the mega demands of some people but as knowledgeable backyard enthusiasts, i feel it is important to support your local backyard breeders and the sustainable lifestyle. Mass food production techniques are exactly what i am trying to get away from. Dont ask what happens to the thousands of extra baby roosters when they hatch sex links.

So, i am a dedicated certified backyard poultry breeder. I dont have EEs or any chickens thatll blow your hair back in egg production the way a leghorn will, but my wyandottes hold their own and look gorgeous while they do it. They live longer fuller lives where they lay for many years instead of peaking the first year like the insane production birds. They also have very few reproductive issues vs the production birds and are so sweet. I also love my Svart Hona, kind of poor layers but the beauty of the yard candy is breathtaking. I love my banty cochin too. If i didnt have such amazing chickens though? Id nix em all for my quail. The quail can blow ur hair back. Full grown in only 6 wks and laying everyday like those production things. Same problems though they burn out early, after all that laying, and have more reproduction issues. They taste great though, meat and eggs alike.

I understand if this isnt the way youd like to go while your looking for a laying flock and i wont look down upon anybody! if u Do choose to order hatchery, i figure, at least youve got your own birds :love after that, live and let live i just wanted to share my take on that.

Lastly TSC orders from several hatcheries and diff places could be used for each wks shipment.
:frow hello! Welcome to BYC! So glad to see another in LA with chickens!

Hello all! My husband and I live in Monroe, LA and just started our first flock in April of this year. So far we have 8 hens ranging in age from 6 months to 2 years (all laying now). I'm looking to add to our flock in the next 2 to 3 months and one of my wishlist hens is a blue Andalusian. Would anyone happen to have that breed available?

No im sorry i dont know anyone who has that breed
:frow sorry didnt have time for responding last night, i run an insanely busy household.

Second i dont support hatcheries. Like mass food production i understand that it has a need to meet the mega demands of some people but as knowledgeable backyard enthusiasts, i feel it is important to support your local backyard breeders and the sustainable lifestyle. Mass food production techniques are exactly what i am trying to get away from. Dont ask what happens to the thousands of extra baby roosters when they hatch sex links.

So, i am a dedicated certified backyard poultry breeder. I dont have EEs or any chickens thatll blow your hair back in egg production the way a leghorn will, but my wyandottes hold their own and look gorgeous while they do it. They live longer fuller lives where they lay for many years instead of peaking the first year like the insane production birds. They also have very few reproductive issues vs the production birds and are so sweet. I also love my Svart Hona, kind of poor layers but the beauty of the yard candy is breathtaking. I love my banty cochin too. If i didnt have such amazing chickens though? Id nix em all for my quail. The quail can blow ur hair back. Full grown in only 6 wks and laying everyday like those production things. Same problems though they burn out early, after all that laying, and have more reproduction issues. They taste great though, meat and eggs alike.

I understand if this isnt the way youd like to go while your looking for a laying flock and i wont look down upon anybody! if u Do choose to order hatchery, i figure, at least youve got your own birds :love after that, live and let live i just wanted to share my take on that.

Lastly TSC orders from several hatcheries and diff places could be used for each wks shipment.

Not set on hatchery or private breeder. I've owned from both. I was just saying that I had to agree that my EE from cackle have been my best birds. AND they have been way hardier than any other single bird I've got. My question is solely, who has been your best year round layer that was docile and where did you get them. I only ask where they came from bc egg laying and temperanebt can vary between lines.
Not set on hatchery or private breeder. I've owned from both. I was just saying that I had to agree that my EE from cackle have been my best birds. AND they have been way hardier than any other single bird I've got. My question is solely, who has been your best year round layer that was docile and where did you get them. I only ask where they came from bc egg laying and temperanebt can vary between lines.

Well thats my dots, hands down. Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, Mr Jerry Foleys lines from a lady who lives just north of BR and advertises on craigslist. Theyre 3 years old right now and laid alright even thru these hottest days of this summer. They molted in Oct last yr, took a 3 month break and have been laying now since Jan.

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