"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hey there. Good to see you. I love your chicken house!!! You all did a great job! Don't stay away too long. You're going to always be behind on what's going on.
It all depends on your local market, the quality of your stock, etc. If you get a chance, look up CottageRose on here. She has the best IMO. I am hoping to get some goslings from her next year
I don't know if I would pay more than $100 each for Jordans. That is just me though.

WOW!! You know I've looked at her website before and she has some beautiful birds!! I just never looked at the prices!!

It seems like a lot of people are getting into the Sebbies, and I have a feeling that it is going to drive the price down considerably. It's all about supply and demand!

It's like any other of the birds we raise -- we don't raise them for the money but rather because we like the breed. I love the sebbies!

Same here! I love my curly babies!
It's like any other of the birds we raise -- we don't raise them for the money but rather because we like the breed. I love the sebbies!

I have a question about how you keep them. Do they have just a fenced in area?? What kinda of housing do they need?? I know they don't roost like a chicken so what do you use? A building of some sort?? Sorry for so many questions!!

It really depends on your predator risk. If you have coyotes, fox, or raccoons that regularly travel across your yard you will definitely need to pen them up at night. Where I live right now, I have a very low predator risk and have kept them just in my back yard with a four foot high fence. My oldest ones are three years old and I've never lost a one. On the ocassions that my dogs got out and killed some of my chickens for whatever reason they never bothered my geese. It could be that my geese trained the dogs ahead of time to be fearful of them. My geese regularly stick their heads into the dog kennel and pinch my dogs to keep them in line.
If you've even been pinched by geese you understand why the dogs don't mess with them.
If you've never been pinched by a goose, let me just say that they can put a bruise on you the size of a baseball. Ask my husband how I know.

When I move them onto our property that is heavily wooded they will definitely have some very strong, secure pens for nighttime.
That really sucks Mike. I hope you get that sucker tonight!

Be on the lookout for a cat too. Sound like something had exceptional ability to grab and cling to be able to pull em through like that. Set some live traps out with some tuna. The culprit will probably be back tonight. Good luck.

Sorry about your birds
I lost a turkey poult to a cat that pulled it right out of the cage last year. I would never have thought it would be able to get it out of such a small hole. I also have had stray cats show up to sleep in my laying boxes. If you can catch them, I've read about a few programs that take in the stray cats and adopt them out as "barn cats". I've gotten into the habit of setting live traps every few days just in case. I added a pair of geese that do a decent job of running anything off. I also bring the dogs in the chicken yard and let them pee on all the fence posts as a deterent. Hope the rest of your flock stays safe. Good luck.
Well the whole paradise world is booby trapped from all get out. If a nat flies through something going to bite it in the butt

Getting set up for a long night.

The sebbies on that auction were there a few days ago for 1600 and stated they wouldnt seperate them. Guess they had a change of opinion

Twiley conned me into having them somehow cause up until this little gander I got I couldnt stand a goose. Them mean nasty rotten critters werent worth shooting in my opinion and would be a waste of a good bullet

Now that said this is one of the sweetest birds I have ever had, Shame on you Twiley
Just what I needed was another suck up on the farm
Good fer nuthin crawl up under your chin lap goose
Yeah, but make sure that the butt part hangs past your lap so that he can't poop on your lap. Ask me how I know.
And, when he wags the tail make sure that all of your body parts are out of the way because he's priming for a blast.
when he wags the tail make sure that all of your body parts are out of the way because he's priming for a blast.


Thanks for the warning
Well boys and girls

The tall pines pine,
The pawpaws pause,
And the bumble-beee bumbles all day;
The eavesdropper drops,
And the grasshopper hops,
While gently the ole cow slips away
—Judge Hay's Valediction

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