"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I purchased 100 shoe covers from Amazon and they were only $9.00. When I was taking care of that old man's sick chickens, I put on my protective equipment. I did not step foot out of my truck into his yard until I had my shoe covers on. I had gloves and a full plastic apron on top of my clothes. I looked like a member of the Haz Mat team.
I visited his house 2 times a day for a about 10 days and I never strayed away from my biosecurity steps. I was PARANOID about bringing any disease back to my flock. I couldn't tell the old man that I wasn't going to help him for being fearful, so I made sure that I was suited up. When I was done with his chickens, I removed my protective equipment and shoes before I got back in my truck. I put everything in a garbage bag and sealed it. I tossed the bag at a gas station down the road. I didn't even bring it back to my house. When I got home, I immediately took my clothes off and washed my clothes before going into my chicken yard.
I have had people to look at me funny and with stares when I tell them that they have to put on all of this stuff but I don't care. If they don't want to then GOOD BYE and GOOD RIDDENS. It ain't worth it buddy. That includes no spitting in my yard.
That's just a little lagniappe biosecutiry for the birds safety.
TMI - too much information huh? Yea, I know.

You can never be too careful.
Kuntrygirl, I just LOVE your attitude!
I been out of sorts the past few days visisting with kinfolk anyway my SIL and bro are down from "Arkensaw" anyway it gets cold and icy up there a lot "worser" than we have here but this morning we were out in that ol cold Louisiana misty wet air and she said this is HORRIBLE. I told her yes this would kill a "northerner" lots of folks think we don't have nasty winters cause of no snow and such. I tell them to come get you some LOL

One time I spent a few weeks up in New York City in the slush, snow and blowing wind and didn't get really cold until I came back to LA. LOL The damp goes right to the bone! These days are like that.
If everyone would take the time to be careful and clean, we wouldn't have diseases spread. I won't let anyone inside my runs period....covers or not. And I swap out shoes and/or covers between each set of birds. I make sure if I go buy chickens from someone else, I never wear shoes I will have inside my runs.

And the spitting!!! I can't stand spitters! Ugghhhh
I purchased 100 shoe covers from Amazon and they were only $9.00. When I was taking care of that old man's sick chickens, I put on my protective equipment. I did not step foot out of my truck into his yard until I had my shoe covers on. I had gloves and a full plastic apron on top of my clothes. I looked like a member of the Haz Mat team. :lau I visited his house 2 times a day for a about 10 days and I never strayed away from my biosecurity steps. I was PARANOID about bringing any disease back to my flock. I couldn't tell the old man that I wasn't going to help him for being fearful, so I made sure that I was suited up. When I was done with his chickens, I removed my protective equipment and shoes before I got back in my truck. I put everything in a garbage bag and sealed it. I tossed the bag at a gas station down the road. I didn't even bring it back to my house. When I got home, I immediately took my clothes off and washed my clothes before going into my chicken yard.

I have had people to look at me funny and with stares when I tell them that they have to put on all of this stuff but I don't care. If they don't want to then GOOD BYE and GOOD RIDDENS. It ain't worth it buddy. That includes no spitting in my yard. :sick :oops: That's just a little lagniappe biosecutiry for the birds safety. :p TMI - too much information huh? Yea, I know. :D

You can never be too careful.

Kuntrygirl, I just LOVE your attitude!  :thumbsup

Thank you ma'am. ;)
If everyone would take the time to be careful and clean, we wouldn't have diseases spread.  I won't let anyone inside my runs period....covers or not.  And I swap out shoes and/or covers between each set of birds.   I make sure if I go buy chickens from someone else, I never wear shoes I will have inside my runs. 

And the spitting!!!  I can't stand spitters!  Ugghhhh


My setup may be a little different. I have about 3/4 of an acre that is the actual chicken yard. I don't have "runs" so to speak. With almost 300 animals, runs would not contain my zoo.

I have only received birds from a few people in my life. 1 was Terri (peafowl) another one was Gracie (1 gosling) and some guineas from a guinea breeder in my area. I have been lucky enough where I don't have to buy birds from anyone else. I started off with 25 birds about 10 years ago and I have hatched out my own ever since. I usually order what I want from hatcheries. I'm paranoid about buying birds from other people. :oops: That would give me the creeps. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I bought a bird from someone I didn't know, even if I quarantined it. It's just too risky. :oops: When you buy from other people, you don't know what you're getting and you can bring in diseases very easily. The birds may look well but a lot of times they are not. I have heard too many horror stories. Makes my skin crawl thinking about it. Hey, I better go check myself for mites. All this talk about diseases, I'm itching. I think I need to go dust myself with Sevin Dust. :)

This one guy was chewing whatever that is they chew and he spit it on my ground. I looked at him and he looked at me and I politely explained that there is "NO SPITTING on the ground at my house when chicken shopping". I asked him if he could take the shovel and dig up his spit spot. At that very moment, I knew that he thought that I was delusional and was off my rocker. But I bet he shoveled up that spit spot. :sick Ok, TMI again. Sorry. :oops:

And also, with wild birds, no one can control the diseases they bring in to our yards and runs. So as hard as we all try, no one's chickens are totally safe from diseases. And God forbid an infected worm is in the soil after a hard rain. Well, that is another story. I had a baby pea that a couple months ago had died and I had no idea why. I took it to LSU School of Vet Med for a necropsy and guess what the lab findings were........... Yep, I just said it. My Pea ate a sick worm and died. No other bird on my property was sick. He was the only one. So I guess the old saying, "The Early Bird Gets The Worm". Well in this case, he would have been safer had he gotten out of bed late on that day. :/

To be honest, the wild birds are more of a threat to our flock than humans are. Because you don't know if they are sick, how sick they are and what sick poop they have left behind and our birds have eaten the poop. Unless our chickens are in a barn all day with no access to the outside, that is the only way for them to be free from disease spreading and then I'm not sure about that.

All we can do is just do the best that we can and take precautions.
My setup may be a little different. I have about 3/4 of an acre that is the actual chicken yard. I don't have "runs" so to speak. With almost 300 animals, runs would not contain my zoo.
I have only received birds from a few people in my life. 1 was Terri (peafowl) another one was Gracie (1 gosling) and some guineas from a guinea breeder in my area. I have been lucky enough where I don't have to buy birds from anyone else. I started off with 25 birds about 10 years ago and I have hatched out my own ever since. I usually order what I want from hatcheries. I'm paranoid about buying birds from other people.
That would give me the creeps. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I bought a bird from someone I didn't know, even if I quarantined it. It's just too risky.
When you buy from other people, you don't know what you're getting and you can bring in diseases very easily. The birds may look well but a lot of times they are not. I have heard too many horror stories. Makes my skin crawl thinking about it. Hey, I better go check myself for mites. All this talk about diseases, I'm itching. I think I need to go dust myself with Sevin Dust.

This one guy was chewing whatever that is they chew and he spit it on my ground. I looked at him and he looked at me and I politely explained that there is "NO SPITTING on the ground at my house when chicken shopping". I asked him if he could take the shovel and dig up his spit spot. At that very moment, I knew that he thought that I was delusional and was off my rocker. But I bet he shoveled up that spit spot.
Ok, TMI again. Sorry.

And also, with wild birds, no one can control the diseases they bring in to our yards and runs. So as hard as we all try, no one's chickens are totally safe from diseases. And God forbid an infected worm is in the soil after a hard rain. Well, that is another story. I had a baby pea that a couple months ago had died and I had no idea why. I took it to LSU School of Vet Med for a necropsy and guess what the lab findings were........... Yep, I just said it. My Pea ate a sick worm and died. No other bird on my property was sick. He was the only one. So I guess the old saying, "The Early Bird Gets The Worm". Well in this case, he would have been safer had he gotten out of bed late on that day.

To be honest, the wild birds are more of a threat to our flock than humans are. Because you don't know if they are sick, how sick they are and what sick poop they have left behind and our birds have eaten the poop. Unless our chickens are in a barn all day with no access to the outside, that is the only way for them to be free from disease spreading and then I'm not sure about that.
All we can do is just do the best that we can and take precautions.
X 2. The only birds I've bought from other people were my original peafowl & they came from NPIP peafowl breeders in Ohio - and my original 3 hens from Meyer hatchery, of whom only 1 is still alive - everything else I've hatched either from my own eggs or other breeders. I've turned down offers of "free" chickens - I just don't want to run the risk to my own.

I think I've been very lucky in that no other poultry have been kept where mine are -- they were on "virgin" ground from the get-go -- it's land that has been farmed in my family for over 100 years, & nobody ever lived where we built.
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Well good morning & YAY! I see the sun shining!!!
I might run home at lunch & put the baby Wellies in their outside brooder. They've been cooped up in my utility room in a very big box the past week. They are fully feathered out now but I was afraid to put them outside in the damp cold, even with my big brooder lamp - if that bulb went out, it would be disastrous for them. The fun of raising an early spring brood!
Almost forgot to update on the refrigerated turkey eggs. Everything is going fine. The temps have been perfect as well as the humidity. There was one day that I had forgotten to check on the humidity and it had dropped down to 20 but I got some water in there quickly. Lockdown is on Saturday and hatching should commence next Tuesday. I have never candled because dummy me does not know how to candle. :oops: Everything smells fine. No rotten smells.

I will update everyone next week when they are scheduled to hatch. I hope that I have some "cool" turkeys (the refrigerated turkey eggs) :lau

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