"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Ok, first of all, I just have to say that it makes me sick for tractor supply to sell Cornish Rock chicks and not tell people they are meat birds.
Sooo... That being said, a friend of mine, who is a first time chicken owner, has 6 CR,2 RIR, and 2 black sex link chicks. I told her what the Cornish Rocks are bred for and that a lot of people say they will have a heart attack and die before they are very old. My question is, would it be better for her to just plan on sending them to freezer camp, or is there a good chance of them living a long life? I think I already know the answer to this :(

Sorry to hear about the CR ordeal. TSC stores are only there to sell a product. They assume that the buyer already knows about the "product" before buying it. I know that sounds unfair but it's true.

Yes, she should plan on sending them to freezer camp. :( However, they can live longer but it takes effort and patience and then it's still possible that they will die. I can give her a plan on keeping them alive because I have done it before but they still may die at 8 weeks or before.

Here are my meat birds that lived to be 4 years old. I had 6 of them. They were the sweetest birds that I have EVER had.

Read Post #6

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Sorry to hear about the CR ordeal. TSC stores are only there to sell a product. They assume that the buyer already knows about the "product" before buying it. I know that sounds unfair but it's true.

Yes, she should plan on sending them to freezer camp. :( However, they can live longer but it takes effort and patience and then it's still possible that they will die. I can give her a plan on keeping them alive because I have done it before but they still may die at 8 weeks or before.

Here are my meat birds that lived to be 4 years old. I had 6 of them. They were the sweetest birds that I have EVER had.

Read Post #6

How do they lay?
Ya know,.. What kuntrygirl is saying about TSC is sad but true,.. but our experience there has been that NO ONE there has any knowledge of the animals they are selling. Last Thursday we walked up to look at the chicks (just to see of course) and there was a bin full of RIR chicks and something else that could have been Cornish Rocks, Orps, White Leghorns,.. you know,.. little soft yellow chicks with no markings...,. but one sign said Rhode Island Red's,.. and the other said Pullets. so this couple asked the salesman for 3 of the RIR chicks and 3 of the "Pullet" chicks. You could tell they were newbies,. had all the new stuff in their basket ,. so I told them,.. that pullet mean female,.. it's not a breed,.. and that they needed to know what the yellow chicks were in case they were meat birds.,.. the salesman looked straight at me and said "no,.. these are RIR's and Pullet chicks. I tried to explain,.. but the salesman rolled his eyes like I was an idiot and the couple said they wanted 3 of each "breed and I walked off as the salesman told them they could sell any roosters they didn't want at the monthly Chicken sale at Okeefe's. This is at the Covinton TSC.
this is NOT our first time dealing with their ignorance,.. it's sad,..
They don't lay well at all--maybe once a week.

When I ran into TSC in Alexandria to get my birds that were lost in the mail that Thursday night--we looked at the chicks in there. They had several bins of white chicks that were unlabeled. I noticed one bin had larger chicks that looked about 3 to 4 weeks already and they were bloody and losing feathers. Another bin had smaller white chicks about a week or two old that were also listed as unlabeled "special" of the week. I couldn't tell what they were at all...didn't know if it was a random white layer or cornish. I grabbed one out of curiosity--waiting to see what it turns into.

We are going to try some meat only birds but not until summer once I've got my layers all settled in new coops. I think we are going to go with Dixie Rainbows--anyone tried these? They are supposed to be process ready at 12 weeks.
Ya know,.. What kuntrygirl is saying about TSC is sad but true,.. but our experience there has been that NO ONE there has any knowledge of the animals they are selling. Last Thursday we walked up to look at the chicks (just to see of course) and there was a bin full of RIR chicks and something else that could have been Cornish Rocks, Orps, White Leghorns,.. you know,.. little soft yellow chicks with no markings...,. but one sign said Rhode Island Red's,.. and the other said Pullets. so this couple asked the salesman for 3 of the RIR chicks and 3 of the "Pullet" chicks. You could tell they were newbies,. had all the new stuff in their basket ,. so I told them,.. that pullet mean female,.. it's not a breed,.. and that they needed to know what the yellow chicks were in case they were meat birds.,.. the salesman looked straight at me and said "no,.. these are RIR's and Pullet chicks. I tried to explain,.. but the salesman rolled his eyes like I was an idiot and the couple said they wanted 3 of each "breed and I walked off as the salesman told them they could sell any roosters they didn't want at the monthly Chicken sale at Okeefe's.  This is at the Covinton TSC
this is NOT our first time dealing with  their ignorance,.. it's sad,.. 
oh I know how they are. It just infuriates me.
Ya know,.. What kuntrygirl is saying about TSC is sad but true,.. but our experience there has been that NO ONE there has any knowledge of the animals they are selling. Last Thursday we walked up to look at the chicks (just to see of course) and there was a bin full of RIR chicks and something else that could have been Cornish Rocks, Orps, White Leghorns,.. you know,.. little soft yellow chicks with no markings...,. but one sign said Rhode Island Red's,.. and the other said Pullets. so this couple asked the salesman for 3 of the RIR chicks and 3 of the "Pullet" chicks. You could tell they were newbies,. had all the new stuff in their basket ,. so I told them,.. that pullet mean female,.. it's not a breed,.. and that they needed to know what the yellow chicks were in case they were meat birds.,.. the salesman looked straight at me and said "no,.. these are RIR's and Pullet chicks. I tried to explain,.. but the salesman rolled his eyes like I was an idiot and the couple said they wanted 3 of each "breed and I walked off as the salesman told them they could sell any roosters they didn't want at the monthly Chicken sale at Okeefe's. This is at the Covinton TSC.
this is NOT our first time dealing with their ignorance,.. it's sad,..
I know precisely what you mean. They know nothing! I was pointing out the beat up, bloody chicks to them and they acted like they didn't care...umm...how do you plan to sell those? Daughter found a crested duck mixed in with the rest of the ducklings and had to have it. Poor thing's crest is all lopsided but it follows her everywhere she goes and she's happy she rescued it from TSC.

All you can do is just snicker inwardly to yourself that it's their loss...if they don't know what they're buying they will find out soon enough!
Sorry to hear about the CR ordeal. TSC stores are only there to sell a product. They assume that the buyer already knows about the "product" before buying it. I know that sounds unfair but it's true.

Yes, she should plan on sending them to freezer camp. :( However, they can live longer but it takes effort and patience and then it's still possible that they will die. I can give her a plan on keeping them alive because I have done it before but they still may die at 8 weeks or before.

Here are my meat birds that lived to be 4 years old. I had 6 of them. They were the sweetest birds that I have EVER had.

Read Post #6

How do they lay?

They laid in their nesting boxes. I had them very close to the ground, so they didn't have to jump up to get in. Mine layed a few times a week and they layed LARGE double yokers.
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Ya know,.. What kuntrygirl is saying about TSC is sad but true,.. but our experience there has been that NO ONE there has any knowledge of the animals they are selling. Last Thursday we walked up to look at the chicks (just to see of course) and there was a bin full of RIR chicks and something else that could have been Cornish Rocks, Orps, White Leghorns,.. you know,.. little soft yellow chicks with no markings...,. but one sign said Rhode Island Red's,.. and the other said Pullets. so this couple asked the salesman for 3 of the RIR chicks and 3 of the "Pullet" chicks. You could tell they were newbies,. had all the new stuff in their basket ,. so I told them,.. that pullet mean female,.. it's not a breed,.. and that they needed to know what the yellow chicks were in case they were meat birds.,.. the salesman looked straight at me and said "no,.. these are RIR's and Pullet chicks. I tried to explain,.. but the salesman rolled his eyes like I was an idiot and the couple said they wanted 3 of each "breed and I walked off as the salesman told them they could sell any roosters they didn't want at the monthly Chicken sale at Okeefe's.  This is at the Covinton TSC
this is NOT our first time dealing with  their ignorance,.. it's sad,.. 

Yes, even I, as an ultimate newbie, knew not to get chicks at TSC in Covington. Its pretty much for the same reason as I wont buy produce or meat at walmart. Also, you would think that the people who thought pullet was a breed obviously did zero research before aquiring chickens and I feel bad for their chicks. I bought supplies from TSC, but got chicks from Okeefes. Btw, does anyone know where okeefe's chicks come from? I asked when I bought mine, but the girl just said "Texas." Lol. Wherever they came from must be good, because all six are fantastically healthy and hardy and growing like crazy!:lol:

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