"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Aww, what happened? Why no babies?
Well, I got the bright idea that I would split everyone up into pairs based on color/pattern. Apparently my geese did not like the partners I picked for them, because fertility was TERRIBLE! On top of that, when I did get some fertile eggs I had some odd incubation issues. I would get them all the way to hatch time, and they would usually die after internally or externally pipping. My humidity was right. Temperature was good. I don't know what went wrong
Anyboy interested in guinea keets? I hatched some from eggs for the experience of it and I can't seem to move these last 7. I got them from hatching eggs on here. They are assorted colors and about a week old. I will sell all 7 for 18 or trade them for hatching eggs ( just not Guinea eggs) PM me if you want to make a deal!


I also have 3 silver spangled seabrights that hatched with them.

They are too cute!!!
Ok, It was a long night last night. I couldn't pull myself away from the incubator. When I left this morning, this was the final count.

4 pea eggs set - 3 hatched so far. I don't think the other is fertile. There is no zipping or anything. But then again today is the scheduled hatch date. So looks like 3 out of 4 pea eggs will hatch. Not too bad.
2 turkey eggs set - 1 hatched so far and 1 is zipping right now. Both eggs were fertile
12 guinea eggs set - 4 hatched so far, 1 zipping right now and I can't tell what the other eggs are doing. TOO MANY EGGS IN MY SMALL INCUBATOR !!!! :barnie I know the guinea boys are on their jobs. My first batch of guinea eggs that I set and hatched a couple of weeks ago had a 100% hatch rate. And all of the guinea eggs that I have been eating have been fertile.

I could not open the incubator because a poult is hatching right now and I didn't want to cause shrink wrap. I will take all of them out today after work. I was worried at first because the poults and the peas looked exactly the same, so I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. But after looking at the wings, the pea's wings are SOOOOOO much longer than the poults. WOW!!! Remarkable difference.

Ok, here are some VERY bad pics but that's all I could do. The pics are a mixture of everything in the incubator. I will get more pics later on when I move them to the brooder.








Is anybody raising or knows who is raising Narragansett Turkey poults? Or anyone who would like to sell eggs or swap eggs? I have Holland White Turkey Poults and eggs to trade with or sell, if anyone wants some of those !

Hey, I know that we were suppose to do a swap but things got busy for me and I dropped the ball. :oops: Sorry. When will your girls stop laying?
Aww, what happened? Why no babies?
Well, I got the bright idea that I would split everyone up into pairs based on color/pattern. Apparently my geese did not like the partners I picked for them, because fertility was TERRIBLE! On top of that, when I did get some fertile eggs I had some odd incubation issues. I would get them all the way to hatch time, and they would usually die after internally or externally pipping. My humidity was right. Temperature was good. I don't know what went wrong
I can let you borrow my broody chickens next year. They hatched out the majority of my goose eggs. :)
Well, I got the bright idea that I would split everyone up into pairs based on color/pattern. Apparently my geese did not like the partners I picked for them, because fertility was TERRIBLE! On top of that, when I did get some fertile eggs I had some odd incubation issues. I would get them all the way to hatch time, and they would usually die after internally or externally pipping. My humidity was right. Temperature was good. I don't know what went wrong
I am hearing about low fertility or just not even getting eggs from quite a few people. This little gosling has got to be the most hearty thing ever. It hatched from a shipped egg and I did a TERRIBLE job taking care of the egg. I sometimes remembered to turn and mist it. TWICE, I left for work with it out of the incubator cooling. Yep, 8 full hours of cooling...twice. The darned thing still hatched on time. I don't know how that's even possible!
Ok, It was a long night last night. I couldn't pull myself away from the incubator. When I left this morning, this was the final count.

4 pea eggs set - 3 hatched so far. I don't think the other is fertile. There is no zipping or anything. But then again today is the scheduled hatch date. So looks like 3 out of 4 pea eggs will hatch. Not too bad.
2 turkey eggs set - 1 hatched so far and 1 is zipping right now. Both eggs were fertile
12 guinea eggs set - 4 hatched so far, 1 zipping right now and I can't tell what the other eggs are doing. TOO MANY EGGS IN MY SMALL INCUBATOR !!!! :barnie I know the guinea boys are on their jobs. My first batch of guinea eggs that I set and hatched a couple of weeks ago had a 100% hatch rate. And all of the guinea eggs that I have been eating have been fertile.

I could not open the incubator because a poult is hatching right now and I didn't want to cause shrink wrap. I will take all of them out today after work. I was worried at first because the poults and the peas looked exactly the same, so I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. But after looking at the wings, the pea's wings are SOOOOOO much longer than the poults. WOW!!! Remarkable difference.

Ok, here are some VERY bad pics but that's all I could do. The pics are a mixture of everything in the incubator. I will get more pics later on when I move them to the brooder.









Such cute babies!!!
Well, I got the bright idea that I would split everyone up into pairs based on color/pattern. Apparently my geese did not like the partners I picked for them, because fertility was TERRIBLE! On top of that, when I did get some fertile eggs I had some odd incubation issues. I would get them all the way to hatch time, and they would usually die after internally or externally pipping. My humidity was right. Temperature was good. I don't know what went wrong
I am hearing about low fertility or just not even getting eggs from quite a few people. This little gosling has got to be the most hearty thing ever. It hatched from a shipped egg and I did a TERRIBLE job taking care of the egg. I sometimes remembered to turn and mist it. TWICE, I left for work with it out of the incubator cooling. Yep, 8 full hours of cooling...twice. The darned thing still hatched on time. I don't know how that's even possible!
Are you hearing about low fertility on just the sebbie eggs? You leaving the eggs is out what I did too. :lau I took the eggs out to mist and cool. After I misted them, I set them on the table to cool. This was about 9:00PM. Well, let's just say that when I woke up at 5:00 AM the next morning, I realized that the eggs were still on the table and the temp in my house was 60. :lau I just knew that I had killed the eggs. I put them back in the incubator anyway and I knew that they wouldn't hatch. Well, lo and behold the darn eggs hatched. I was speechless. Incubating those goose eggs IS A PAIN. I HATED the cooling and misting EVERY SINGLE DAY !!!!!!!!!! :barnie But I"m glad that I learned how to do it and now I know that I can hatch goose eggs. It was my first time and I had excellent hatch rates.
Dogs the worse, some kill just for the sport and others are not taught any better, while others are starving, having been abandoned. People from cities will drop unwanted pets off out here in the country, hoping they will just fend for themselves with wild animals and of course they can't. It's not the dog's fault, it is their irresponsible owners ! I have lost dozens of half grown ducks, tons of chickens and turkey poults to strays and owned pets that were never taught better by their owners and not properly fenced. That is why laws are on the books to protect the pets and the public from this type of pet owner. Get evidence, pictures, chain the dogs and call the animal protection authorities in your area and PRESS CHARGES, Please !!! Yes you could just shoot and bury the dogs, but that sends a message to pet owners, it's OK and they will not learn better!! :mad: They need to be fined for abandonment and creating a public nuisance, and also reimburse you for your loss. too! :rant Linda, for winter greens, winter rye grass works well. Great idea ! :thumbsup Wow, what a big flock of beautiful Fuzzy Butts !!!:love [COLOR=0000CD]So sorry, I know it hurts ! :hit We had to bury heavy fencing 5' wide around the outside fencing and some predators still get in. If they can't go under, they go over ! This year predators are really bad, partly due to the mild winter. Around us the Bob Cats have grown very large and so numerous, that they took several of our full grown 40+ # turkey toms in broad daylight and people are starting to loose small dogs and cats to them. The police are trying to cut the numbers by shooting them and asking farmers to shoot these wild cats on sight, but they are very evasive and numerous ![/COLOR] X2 Some people who are suppose to be public servants, just are not sympathetic to pet or livestock loss. You need to call the animal protection authorities in your area, not the regular patrolmen !
Celie, I know what you mean about the bobcats. We were getting hit several times a week here: All in daylight hours. I have only ever lost one animal at night and that was due to a tiny crack under a door and a bird sleeping right by it (crack has been fixed and all doors upgraded). Anyway, since I got my livestock guardian, Radar, three weeks ago I haven't seen any of the bobcats around. My husband refused to let me get a livestock guardian dog, because it wouldn't be fair to his dogs, so I got the next best thing. We made a channel 50 feet wide the length of our property between the pastures and the woods and that is where Radar lives. He walks on a lead rope and is very friendly, but has zero tolerance for anything feline or canine. Best hundred dollars I ever spent.
I am in love with RADAR !!!
Are you hearing about low fertility on just the sebbie eggs?

You leaving the eggs is out what I did too. :lau I took the eggs out to mist and cool. After I misted them, I set them on the table to cool. This was about 9:00PM. Well, let's just say that when I woke up at 5:00 AM the next morning, I realized that the eggs were still on the table and the temp in my house was 60. :lau I just knew that I had killed the eggs. I put them back in the incubator anyway and I knew that they wouldn't hatch. Well, lo and behold the darn eggs hatched. I was speechless.

Incubating those goose eggs IS A PAIN. I HATED the cooling and misting EVERY SINGLE DAY !!!!!!!!!! :barnie But I"m glad that I learned how to do it and now I know that I can hatch goose eggs. It was my first time and I had excellent hatch rates.

Yes, on the sebbies. I don't think it was a very good year for them.

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