"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Thank you so much for your warm thoughts. My DH went under the house this morning to remove the carcass but it was only feathers. He found the tracks of Boonie, our next door neighbor's raccoon, showing that she had dragged the bird over to their house. We're all animal lovers in our neighborhood - one reason I knew I could have chickens (and roos) and not have problems with my neighbors. One of us is always rescuing something. Boonie was brought to them as a baby so they hand-raised it. It's an indoor/outdoor coon and they feed her very well. That's why I didn't think she would go to the trouble of catching a chicken when she never wants for food. Heck, they were calling her a few days ago to give her pizza. Obviously I was wrong. Lesson learned. I'll take extra measures to keep the flock safe.
Unlike most raccoons, she is active during the day. That's the way she was raised and I guess it stuck.
Raccoons are WILD animals and NOT PETS ! If someone tries to make a pet out of a wild animal, they will sooner or later EAT your REAL Pets!!! I am so sorry for your loss!
agree x 3!
Any that get caught in my live trap get shot.
So do I !!!!
Ugh... My phone will not upload pics. iPhone. Goes they the whole "embedding imagine" stage, but then there is nothing there. Anyone else have this problem?
Are you looking for eggs, chicks or juvies? I'll keep an eye out. I just set some eggs Saturday. I may end up with a few extras.

I had a single sebbie hatch today. I guess I'll need to get it a friend so it won't be lonely. The color of this lil one was unexpected!

I would like 1 roo and 2 or 3 hens. I was thinking chicks but I 'm open to juvies the rest of my flock are 2 months old.
So happy finally I have some colored eggs. The first ameraucana chicks we got for the kids turned out to be EE's and after 10 long months of waiting layed brown eggs, so we added in another batch of EE's also sold as Ameraucana. When they were about four months old we got enough chicken education to realize that they too were EE"s and may not give us the desired color so we got a little crazy and when out in search of chicks that would ultimately give us a variety of colored (non-white) eggs, So I have 2 dz chicks that range from 10 days to two months old; French black copper marans(4 SR), French blue copper marans(2 SR), Blue laced Wyandotte (1 SR), Black Austrolorp (2 pullets), Dominique (2 pullets), Blue wheaten ameraucana (6 SR), White Ameraucana (4 SR), and Ameraucana/EE? (3 pullets). And after all that last Wednesday we got a green egg, soft shelled but green nonetheless and have since received eggs from 3 of the 4 new EE's all green. If we had been patient just a little longer we would have had 7 hens which should have been enough for our family with a little variety but now even accounting for a reduction for males I think we have passed in to the excessive category. I'm sure to have a nice array of colors and I'm excite to see all the different shades of green, blue, and brown we end up with.

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So happy finally I have some colored eggs. The first ameraucana chicks we got for the kids turned out to be EE's and after 10 long months of waiting layed brown eggs, so we added in another batch of EE's also sold as Ameraucana. When they were about four months old we got enough chicken education to realize that they too were EE"s and may not give us the desired color so we got a little crazy and when out in search of chicks that would ultimately give us a variety of colored (non-white) eggs, So I have 2 dz chicks that range from 10 days to two months old; French black copper marans(4 SR), French blue copper marans(2 SR), Blue laced Wyandotte (1 SR), Black Austrolorp (2 pullets), Dominique (2 pullets), Blue wheaten ameraucana (6 SR), White Ameraucana (4 SR), and Ameraucana/EE? (3 pullets). And after all that last Wednesday we got a green egg, soft shelled but green nonetheless and have since received eggs from 3 of the 4 new EE's all green. If we had been patient just a little longer we would have had 7 hens which should have been enough for our family with a little variety but now even accounting for a reduction for males I think we have passed in to the excessive category. I'm sure to have a nice array of colors and I'm excite to see all the different shades of green, blue, and brown we end up with.

VERY pretty eggs! I still get a nice XL green egg from my originaly Meyer hatchery EE, "Chippy" who is ancient now but she still lays a couple times a week. Unfortunately her offspring that I have hatched have all been brown egg producers - sure wish I could get another big green egger like her!
I think the colored eggs are the most fun of all!
I believe the for egg color is carried in the Roo's DNA. I have quite a few EE that came from my Araucana and Easter Eggers, I bought from McMurray's about 7 years ago. I do not have any of the original flock, but free ranging, the girls are always showing up with a few chicks following them, every summer and also while gathering eggs, when a really pretty color jumbo size egg is gathered, I can't resist putting a few in the bator, to be tutor chicks to give away with the turkey poults. There are a few who are left over. You all know how chicken math works! The blues range from powder blue to peacock blue, the greens from drab to light emerald and the teals are every shade between. I have gotten some gray and quite a few shades of pink, but never the yellow some claim to get. If you get an Arucana roo, you should get mostly blues EE, using a white egg laying hen and green using a brown egg laying hen, in the next generation of layers. Easter egger, Olive Eggers and Ameraucana are all the same mutts that have been crossed with blue egg laying Arucana Roo. Brown egg layers will pop out when you try to cross 2 of these mutts. I hope this helps clear things up a little?
Anyboy interested in guinea keets? I hatched some from eggs for the experience of it and I can't seem to move these last 7. I got them from hatching eggs on here. They are assorted colors and about a week old. I will sell all 7 for 18 or trade them for hatching eggs ( just not Guinea eggs) PM me if you want to make a deal!


I also have 3 silver spangled seabrights that hatched with them.

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