"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

For those of you who have a problem with flies, you may already have something in place to deal with those pesky flies. If not, you may want to try using the Raid Fly Ribbons. They are $1.12 at WalMart. I found a coupon for $1.00 off any Raid product, so I was able to get a 4 pack for $0.12. They are GREAT !!! I checked the glue ribbons on yesterday and it was FULL of flies.
So, it does work. I am going back to get more. Just make sure that you place it out of the way from the animals. If not, your birds will be walking around with a train of fly ribbon glued to their wing. Ask me how I know.
But then again, it wasn't my fault because the turkey flew INTO the fly ribbon.


For those who have small ruminants, sheep\goats, beware of possible pink eye that they can get from those nasty flies that fly and land around their eyes. Someone that I know had a goat that got pink eye from the summer flies and they failed to treat it and the goat ended up blind. A $12.00 tube of Terramycin would have prevented the blindness.

I hung a few in my dog kennel, and guess what I caught? MYSELF! Oh yeah, nice sticky fly ribbon stuck all in my hair!
For those of you who have a problem with flies, you may already have something in place to deal with those pesky flies. If not, you may want to try using the Raid Fly Ribbons. They are $1.12 at WalMart. I found a coupon for $1.00 off any Raid product, so I was able to get a 4 pack for $0.12. They are GREAT !!! I checked the glue ribbons on yesterday and it was FULL of flies. :ya So, it does work. I am going back to get more. Just make sure that you place it out of the way from the animals. If not, your birds will be walking around with a train of fly ribbon glued to their wing. Ask me how I know. :oops: But then again, it wasn't my fault because the turkey flew INTO the fly ribbon. http://thekrazycouponlady.com/2013/06/03/raid-coupon-bug-killer-as-low-as-1-59-at-walgreens/ For those who have small ruminants, sheep\goats, beware of possible pink eye that they can get from those nasty flies that fly and land around their eyes. Someone that I know had a goat that got pink eye from the summer flies and they failed to treat it and the goat ended up blind. A $12.00 tube of Terramycin would have prevented the blindness. :smack
I hung a few in my dog kennel, and guess what I caught? MYSELF! Oh yeah, nice sticky fly ribbon stuck all in my hair!
:yuckyuck :lau Too funny!
So true & opossums and raccoons both carry so many diseases that or dangerous to humans & domestic pets. They need to be relocated in the wild away from homes.

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agree x 3!
Any that get caught in my live trap get shot.

X4 me!
I relocate them alright, right out into the creek for turtle and catfish food, this move helps keep natures circle of life in full operating capacity and still reduces the population of varmints and critters that WILL surely just procreate like kind(nuisances) no matter where/how far they are relocated to.

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I have several young Welsummers I need to get rid of -- PM me w/an offer! 3 pullets & a roo & they are laying nice speckled eggs now! I just need the room for my guineas!

Sweet deal for someone I'm sure, wished I didn't have a dumptruck load already or else I'd be on this like a fly on a poopoo, I know
ew sick, right?

Well... Had to call the sheriffs dept out yesterday. Got home and ALL of my adult birds except one were gone. I'm furious. They dug under my fence. The top of my run is covered and it has hardware cloth about a foot and half up from the bottom to keep the chicken wire from being chewed thru so what do they do? They dig under. I'm going to be putting electrical wire around the bottom of the pen. It's ridiculous. I haven't lost birds to predators in about 3 years.
Dogs the worse, some kill just for the sport and others are not taught any better, while others are starving, having been abandoned. People from cities will drop unwanted pets off out here in the country, hoping they will just fend for themselves with wild animals and of course they can't. It's not the dog's fault, it is their irresponsible owners ! I have lost dozens of half grown ducks, tons of chickens and turkey poults to strays and owned pets that were never taught better by their owners and not properly fenced. That is why laws are on the books to protect the pets and the public from this type of pet owner. Get evidence, pictures, chain the dogs and call the animal protection authorities in your area and PRESS CHARGES, Please !!! Yes you could just shoot and bury the dogs, but that sends a message to pet owners, it's OK and they will not learn better!!

It was my neighbors dogs. They moved and left them.
They need to be fined for abandonment and creating a public nuisance, and also reimburse you for your loss. too!

Thanks. My girls have a pretty large area, but they stripped the grass and a large amount of ferns in short order. I tried letting them out into the yard, but they destroyed all my flowers, so I tried this and I think it will work. I felt bad that they only had greens when I cut some for them. I hope this will provide a constant supply as long as I keep putting some grass seed in there from time to time.
Linda, for winter greens, winter rye grass works well. Great idea !

It's been a while, how is everyone doing? I got 38 welsummer chicks hatched from my hens recently. Just wanted to share.
Wow, what a big flock of beautiful Fuzzy Butts !!!

I'm devastated. Something just took my favorite Silkie, Bubbles. - probably a raccoon or cat. He was there when I checked on the flock late this afternoon. When I went to put them up for the night he was gone. My DH found a clump of his feathers where whatever it was pulled him under the house. I'm so upset!!!

I know this is part of owning chickens but it's my first predator incident and I don't like it one bit!

Here are a couple of picture I took last week. He was almost 6 months old; a Bobbie Porto baby.
He would follow me around in the back yard especially when I was working in the gardens. Knew I was likely to dig up some treats for him.

So sorry, I know it hurts !
We had to bury heavy fencing 5' wide around the outside fencing and some predators still get in. If they can't go under, they go over ! This year predators are really bad, partly due to the mild winter. Around us the Bob Cats have grown very large and so numerous, that they took several of our full grown 40+ # turkey toms in broad daylight and people are starting to loose small dogs and cats to them. The police are trying to cut the numbers by shooting them and asking farmers to shoot these wild cats on sight, but they are very evasive and numerous !

NOLA--So sorry for your loss. He was beautiful.

PSJ-- I'd start putting out bait. Open cans of food and wait out with the guns to put a stop to it. I'll do what I can to get you more babies when you've terminated the dogs. It's a shame. The poor dogs are just hungry. This is a definite HUMAN problem. They're the ones who need punishment. Did you ask about pressing charges? I would have a camera on the yard to prove it is them and then press charges.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry to hear that.
That hurts my heart to hear that. I hope that you all are able to catch and do away with that predator. It always hurts to lose bird. Sending hugs your way.
I'm so, so sorry. The sheriff's advice was horrible.

Such a handsome family!!!

Love this idea!

Some people who are suppose to be public servants, just are not sympathetic to pet or livestock loss. You need to call the animal protection authorities in your area, not the regular patrolmen !
Dogs the worse, some kill just for the sport and others are not taught any better, while others are starving, having been abandoned. People from cities will drop unwanted pets off out here in the country, hoping they will just fend for themselves with wild animals and of course they can't. It's not the dog's fault, it is their irresponsible owners ! I have lost dozens of half grown ducks, tons of chickens and turkey poults to strays and owned pets that were never taught better by their owners and not properly fenced. That is why laws are on the books to protect the pets and the public from this type of pet owner. Get evidence, pictures, chain the dogs and call the animal protection authorities in your area and PRESS CHARGES, Please !!! Yes you could just shoot and bury the dogs, but that sends a message to pet owners, it's OK and they will not learn better!!

They need to be fined for abandonment and creating a public nuisance, and also reimburse you for your loss. too!

Linda, for winter greens, winter rye grass works well. Great idea !

Wow, what a big flock of beautiful Fuzzy Butts !!!

So sorry, I know it hurts !
We had to bury heavy fencing 5' wide around the outside fencing and some predators still get in. If they can't go under, they go over ! This year predators are really bad, partly due to the mild winter. Around us the Bob Cats have grown very large and so numerous, that they took several of our full grown 40+ # turkey toms in broad daylight and people are starting to loose small dogs and cats to them. The police are trying to cut the numbers by shooting them and asking farmers to shoot these wild cats on sight, but they are very evasive and numerous !

Some people who are suppose to be public servants, just are not sympathetic to pet or livestock loss. You need to call the animal protection authorities in your area, not the regular patrolmen !


I know what you mean about the bobcats. We were getting hit several times a week here: All in daylight hours. I have only ever lost one animal at night and that was due to a tiny crack under a door and a bird sleeping right by it (crack has been fixed and all doors upgraded).

Anyway, since I got my livestock guardian, Radar, three weeks ago I haven't seen any of the bobcats around. My husband refused to let me get a livestock guardian dog, because it wouldn't be fair to his dogs, so I got the next best thing.

We made a channel 50 feet wide the length of our property between the pastures and the woods and that is where Radar lives. He walks on a lead rope and is very friendly, but has zero tolerance for anything feline or canine. Best hundred dollars I ever spent.
First so sorry for your loss. Bubbles looked pretty special .
Their is no such thing as a pet coon. They are wild animals. Yes I know many people raise them as pets. Most of them later regret it when their cute baby grows into an adult.
My neighbor feeds wild/ stray cats, coons ,and opposums. Then when she didn't put food out a few times they started coming in her house through the pet door and ransacking her kitchen. Then the stray cats started MIA. Then they found my coop and ate half my flock in one night.
I bought a humane trap. Some humane society's loan them out. We caught 8 raccoons and 6 opposums brought them to the swamp many miles away. By then I had 2 hems left. Now that Boonie has a taste for fresh chicken she'll be back. I hope she doesn't have baby's before your neighbor or you take her for a ride to the wild where she should be. That would be a real rescue for Bonnie and your silkies.
If you just have chicken wire on your run a coon will reach in an rip a chicken through the wire if it can reach it. I now have hardware cloth.
I see wild raccoons around roaming before dark.
I hope this helps I don't want you to lose any more silkies they are so sweet and would be sitting ducks for Bonnie . I know Bonnie was hand raised indoor/outdoor but its only a matter of time before she damages their house or bites someone. I saw a few videos of this on t v . I would bet theirs some on you tube.

I appreciate everyone's advice so much. Thank you!

Ron - You definitely know what you're talking about. Here's the next chapter in this story...

So, yesterday I didn't let the my remaining 3 5-6 month olds out until mid-morning with the plans of putting them back in the coop mid-afternoon. Should be way outside hunting times for coons. WRONG!!
At 1:00 straight up, I hear a ruckus, look out the window to see the rotten little varmint running off with my white cockerel. R U KIDDING ME?!?
I race out the front door to chase him but wasn't fast enough. By the time I got outside I was only able to see her going over the fence into "her" backyard with my baby. Now Alice (Cooper) is gone too.

I was sooooo upset!! My girlfriend and DH did their best to console me.

Last evening we decided to live trap the coon on our own and take her out into the country and release her on the QT. I planned to look today for a trap I can barrow. Low and behold, 12:15 this afternoon and I hear the chicken alarms go off. (The 2 remaining juveniles are now on lockdown in the run with the 6-week olds.) I run out back and there he is...back for thirds. REALLY!?! It's broad daylight for Pete's sake.
I chased him off and went straight to my feed store to get a trap.

Now I'm ready for the little so and so. No discussions, no requests...just gonna catch her and let DH take care of her (we're both gun enthusiasts if you know what I mean).

Mrs. Magoo - the 6-week old chicks I have are from Mary. She does have very nice birds.
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