"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

:mad: :mad: :tongue :tongue
So I had an exciting afternoon. Just after lunch our dogs started barking like someone was at our gate. I went outside and heard lots of dogs barking...not just ours and people yelling back beyond our fenceline. I wandered over to have a look and saw some kind of ruckus going on in the yard at our elderly neighbors house. I see something big in her bushes, followed by 6-8 dogs, guys with ropes...then their are horses.....the jerk neighbor who lives in front and his jerk son take off running that way with their 4 dogs in tow also barking their heads off as well.

After a minute of more yelling, barking, and thumping going on a steer comes charging out of the brush toward our fence. I throw my hands up and it turns just slightly and charges toward the jerk son's house and around it. Then it is back in the old lady's yard, and into the wooded area behind my chicken and goat pasture but nope, it doesn't stay there because their are three people on horseback throwing lassos at it. It comes tearing back into jerk son's yard and running around till it sees the pass through gate between jerk son and jerk father's yard is open....so darts through. Now, jerk father takes particular pride in his lawn, so I can't imagine he was too happy that a steer roping competition ended up in his back yard. Things quiet down and I figure either they caught the thing or it went to the neighbor on the other side of the road and their 20 acres....so head back for the house.

A couple minutes later the dogs, horse, and donkey start losing their minds...so back outside I go. Only to see the cowboy posse and their pack of dogs letting themselves in through my front gate: I was like okay what the heck is that about. My gate was closed and I didn't see the darned cow. But NO, the stupid thing had run down my pasture fence and was headed for my donkey pasture fence. I took off that way but not before Buffalo Bob and his dingbat Buckaroos cornered the steer and then charged at it. Of course, this causes the VERY large cow to turn and charge my pasture fence that contains my donkey. He tore down the front and kept right on going through the back: Just mowed down the fence posts like they weren't even there.

So, what may you ask did the cow's owners say to me? Sorry about that????....nope. I got "Hey hold that wire down so the dogs can go through" yelled at me. Yep, that's right not one other single word from any of them. Their cow tore the crap out of my fences and they act like they own the place. I thought well, if you are dumb enough to want your dogs in with my donkey....fine and let them in. Radar immediately charged the dogs and attempted to kill them. They start yelling at their dogs and my donkey so I slowly went and got hold of him because it wasn't the dogs fault...just his stupid owners. So, the dogs and one guy now on foot leave through the torn down back fence. The other two on horse back take off toward my gate (unoccupied horse in tow) to go around our fences and into the woods. Again not a word.

I had to call my son on the phone because he was in his room with a fan running and headphones on so heard nothing outside. I kept the donkey occupied while he brought what we needed to fix the fence. As he was working righting the posts on the back fence line one of the riders came up and asked to cut through before he fixed it. He looked at him and told him to go around, make sure to get his cow and get the hell off our property.  It took the both of us working for nearly 40 minutes to fix the damage: He bent three posts that had to be replaced and knocked over a couple on each side when he bent the fences down plus tore the wire apart at a corner where it met another fence. Had I been here alone, I would have had to tie the donkey to a tree and been out there much much longer.

You know, I wouldn't have had nearly the issue with it had they at least apologized...or said anything instead of ignoring me and then ordering me around before they left. Ticks me off....man some people have a LOT of nerve. Oh, and apparently the old lady in front of me called the sheriff when they were tearing around her place and they weren't interested in doing anything: Told her by law they can come on our property to retrieve their animal, which is correct. However, they are still responsible for property damage, or at least should be.

That makes me so mad!!!  The nerve of thos people!!  :he :he :mad: :mad: :tongue :tongue

Good Afternoon Guys!! If you are sick of seeing my daily bunny posts, scroll quickly through this one. I'm just so happy that my survivor, Ginger, is doing so well. Here is a foto of Ginger at Day 8 with ny granddaugher and Lela at 6 weeks playing with the iphone with my granddaughter.
Awwwwww. Look how cute. I love seeing your pics. Keep posting !!!!!!!!!!! :)
Hey guys gotta quick question, I picked up some silkie chicks today in Hammond (they are so cute but i'll get to that later) and then we had to go to Houma for a last minute b-day party , somehow during the trip one of them got trappled or something idk. but his little leg is kinda out to the side and he's favoring the other. could this be spraddle leg or whatever they call it. I was in such a hurry to pick them up and go that I didn't even notice if he was like that before but about 99% percent sure that it happened during my trip. what is the best thing to treat him/her?

If I were you, I would treat it like splayed leg and tape it up. It should get better with no problems. If you tape it like splayed leg and he is still having problems, you can make the chicken chair, so that he can recover and get those legs strong again.

Roflmbo 1mrsmagoo they better be glad it wasnt my place because I would have met them at my gate with a gun and let the donkey after their dog. At the point they tore down my fence 1 or more of them would have had their butt fixing it immediatly. Make a damage report as they are responsible for time and labor for any reapairs.

On another note critter count is 2 coons 1 possum and some very smart foxes still running around so beefing up the traps

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