"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Got our first egg here! Cracked it and it had a beautiful orange yolk. Camera can't capture it though.

We also got a little black chicken that just came by one day and didn't leave. Just flew over the fence. So we're clipping wings today.
Congrats on the 1st egg!!! yeah, your Grandma called yesterday but we were at Antiques Roadshow iin BR - the "stray" is not one of mine-- so it must belong to Inglewood. Sounds like one of their Lakenvelders maybe? I never had an Orpington go over the fence but my Amercauanas will fly like wild birds, even my six foot fence is no problem for them when they want out.
Congrats on the 1st egg!!! yeah, your Grandma called yesterday but we were at Antiques Roadshow iin BR  - the "stray" is not one of mine-- so it must belong to Inglewood. Sounds like one of their Lakenvelders maybe? I never had an Orpington go over the fence but my Amercauanas will fly like wild birds, even my six foot fence is no problem for them when they want out.

I've noticed my Amercaunas fly really well. Since I am letting them out now, I clipped their left wing. Will that be enough to keep them in a 6 foot fence??
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Hi, anyone from Vermilion Parish, Lafayette Parish or Iberia Parish where are the chicken swaps etc. around there?
Morning LAyers.

good mornin'

I still get a kick outta our nickname on here LOL we are the only ones (state that is) that can call our selfs La-yers I guess the L.A. -ers out in Calif. could too but they aren't a state, well... not yet they probly could file to be one for Mexico though huh?

Good morning peeps. Looks like I missed a lot. I will have to go back and catch up. I hope that everyone had a great weekend. Is anyone as tired as I am? I swear, I don't have any energy left. I tried to get some rest on yesterday but a certain guinea was by my bedroom window and he would NOT shut up. He kept making that cackling sound and it drove me CRAZY!!!:barnie I don't know what was going on with him but he was irritated about something. :mad:

On Friday, I stopped by Tractor Supply and I was able to grab a few of these. They were under the sale tent and the reduced price tag said $6.99, so I said why not. I could always use some feeders and waters. So, after checking out, I checked my receipt like I always do and I noticed that they rung up for $2.00. I immediately went back and bought the rest of them. :D The regular price is $19.99. The kit includes a feeder, a waterer, a 5 ft. dia. corrugated living corral, 1 lb of feed and coupons. There was a $2.00 off coupon for any Dumor feed. I went back on Saturday to buy some chick starter for the NEW surprise hatches that arrived on Saturday. :mad: :barnie So, in actuality they were free because the cost of $2.00 was recouped when I saved $2.00 on the feed.

$2.00 Chick Starter Kits

This is what I came home to on Saturday. :smack I was NOT happy. I had to herd her and her babies into a stall after working the soil with DE and getting their feed and water ready. This little girl hid her nest from me and brought the babies home after she hatched them. :mad:





And she is not alone. Another muscovy brought her crew back home as well. :rolleyes:


I picked up a few small brooder boxes at Walmart this weekend. The new peachicks that will hatch in a couple of week will go in there temporarily until I find them a larger brooder. All of the brooders are filled with ducks, peas, 1 chick (go figure) and ducklings.


The peacocks are losing their feathers and I am soooooooooooo happy. I just wish the girls would stop laying eggs. Hurry up laying and breeding season BE OVER WITH ALREADY!


I thought that this was a cool pic. Can you see the itty bitty ant carrying a piece of cracked corn? The corn weighs more than him but he carried it alright. :lau I had to take a picture of this.

Some of my wine should be ready soon. I have about 5 different wines going now. I have the following:
Japanese Plums

I hope to start on some honey wine (mead) soon. I have some local raw honey, so I'll experiment with that next.

The fig wine has a different color to it but it's the color of figs, so I guess it's ok.


The watermelon wine will be ready on August 8. Not sure how that will taste. :/

The peach wine looks DIVINE! :drool

Back to the lab to create something else. :p
Morning LAyers.

good mornin' :)

I still get a kick outta our nickname on here LOL we are the only ones (state that is) that can call our selfs La-yers I guess the L.A. -ers out in Calif. could too but they aren't a state, well... not yet they probly could file to be one for Mexico though huh?:oops:


Only you Jeff. :gig
Good morning peeps. Looks like I missed a lot. I will have to go back and catch up. I hope that everyone had a great weekend. Is anyone as tired as I am? I swear, I don't have any energy left. I tried to get some rest on yesterday but a certain guinea was by my bedroom window and he would NOT shut up. He kept making that cackling sound and it drove me CRAZY!!!
I don't know what was going on with him but he was irritated about something.

On Friday, I stopped by Tractor Supply and I was able to grab a few of these. They were under the sale tent and the reduced price tag said $6.99, so I said why not. I could always use some feeders and waters. So, after checking out, I checked my receipt like I always do and I noticed that they rung up for $2.00. I immediately went back and bought the rest of them.
The regular price is $19.99. The kit includes a feeder, a waterer, a 5 ft. dia. corrugated living corral, 1 lb of feed and coupons. There was a $2.00 off coupon for any Dumor feed. I went back on Saturday to buy some chick starter for the NEW surprise hatches that arrived on Saturday.
So, in actuality they were free because the cost of $2.00 was recouped when I saved $2.00 on the feed.

$2.00 Chick Starter Kits

This is what I came home to on Saturday.
I was NOT happy. I had to herd her and her babies into a stall after working the soil with DE and getting their feed and water ready. This little girl hid her nest from me and brought the babies home after she hatched them.

And she is not alone. Another muscovy brought her crew back home as well.

I picked up a few small brooder boxes at Walmart this weekend. The new peachicks that will hatch in a couple of week will go in there temporarily until I find them a larger brooder. All of the brooders are filled with ducks, peas, 1 chick (go figure) and ducklings.

The peacocks are losing their feathers and I am soooooooooooo happy. I just wish the girls would stop laying eggs. Hurry up laying and breeding season BE OVER WITH ALREADY!

I thought that this was a cool pic. Can you see the itty bitty ant carrying a piece of cracked corn? The corn weighs more than him but he carried it alright.
I had to take a picture of this.

Some of my wine should be ready soon. I have about 5 different wines going now. I have the following:
Japanese Plums

I hope to start on some honey wine (mead) soon. I have some local raw honey, so I'll experiment with that next.

The fig wine has a different color to it but it's the color of figs, so I guess it's ok.

The watermelon wine will be ready on August 8. Not sure how that will taste.

The peach wine looks DIVINE!

Back to the lab to create something else.
Now Julie...considering you have 5 different wines going in giant vats and my life is a roller coaster at the moment, I believe I should move in. Get a room ready!!!

I picked up my two pea babies from Terri. They've been singing all morning.

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