"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Soooo sad. Found my BCM rooster dead today. He was underneath a plastic tub I had in the yard. Apparently he flipped it on top of himself and it got so hot he smothered. That tub has been back there for months, never saw it as a danger. I raised him from a chick, 4 years ago. Thankfully I have a little Roo that looks and acts as sweet as he was.
I am sooo sorry for your loss.
I never would have thought of a tub as dangerous.

Quote: Food grade DE also has a number of benefits for humans. If interested, here's more information http://www.earthworkshealth.com/human-use.php
Quote: It was really easy. Brought each in, one at a time and placed in a sink of warm water and Dawn. Working the soapy water into their feathers, I held my hand under the bird to support it the whole time. They got so comfortable that they fell asleep! I gently sprayed with clean water to rinse. To dry them, I first wrapped in a towel like a tamale to absorb much of the water then dried with a blow dryer on the lowest setting. They loved it and I was surprised how well they did. There's a terrific thread on bathing chickens with extra tips for show birds. It's worth checking out. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/752452/grooming-silkies-for-show
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Soooo sad. Found my BCM rooster dead today. He was underneath a plastic tub I had in the yard. Apparently he flipped it on top of himself and it got so hot he smothered. That tub has been back there for months, never saw it as a danger. I raised him from a chick, 4 years ago. Thankfully I have a little Roo that looks and acts as sweet as he was.
So sorry for your loss! It is hard to lose any of our pets.
This is my first post and my first flock. Let me tell you, I figured out chicken math quickly!!! I started out with 6 and now have 12, it would be more but I have been trying to stay away from trade days. I have a few questions for you all. First, all of the hens were born in February, but none of them are laying yet, is this normal? My flock consists of Rhode Island Red, Langshan, and Jersey Giants. They have a half acre fenced in clearing and a 1/4 acre wooded area to free range in, 2 gallon water reserve in both areas as well as in the coop, constant feed, oyster shells and grit at all times as well as most table scraps. They seem happy and love to be pet. I have seen them sit in their nesting boxes and searched all areas, but no eggs. My rooster also started mounting them about a month ago. Second, and possible reason for number one, I am confused as to what age they molt. Almost every night for the last two weeks when I go to close the coop a few will shake and I have a feather cloud. It seems like they are in molt as I rarely have even a minor conflict in my coop and new softer feathers are coming in quickly. Also, I clean my coop daily and use sand so it is not old feathers. Almost everything I have read on molting says that they don't molt until after a year old, could they just be in a early molt because of the heat? Third, what are the ways you keep your flock cool? I put ice in one of their outside water containers and have found that the Langshans like to take a bath in it much like the dust baths they take, the rest either stand in it or drink it. I have heard of some people allowing access to small pools, would any of you advise this? If so, I have a large shaded pond only one gate opening away from their area, should I allow them access? I know this is a lot, and I thank anyone that responds. I have tried to look up my answers, however most people with these posts live in much cooler climates than ours. Heat effects everything and everyone.
I don't know much about Langshans or Jerseys, but those RIRs should be laying. Every breed that I hatched in February is laying now except for a few marans who have gone on a heat strike. I wouldn't worry about the feathers at this point, but try worming all of the birds. If they lay any eggs within a two week time frame, toss them. See if that helps. Have you checked in the wooded area to be sure there aren't any hidden nests? Those girls can be sneaky! If you don't see eggs soon you may end up like Julie's place with mystery babies popping up in random places!

We use a pool for our ducks and geese but our chickens are not allowed to access it. Some of our birds don't handle the heat as well as others and will definitely stay in the shade, but frozen gallon containers of water sitting out would be fine for them to lean against if they are hot. I know some people put out fans. The chicken whisperer also suggests adding aspirin to lower internal body temp, but I haven't had enough of a heat problem to need it. Half of all our runs are shaded.
I checked everywhere and nothing so far. I have Valbazen on back order with Circle C Feed, they said it should be in soon. I usually deworm and dust when I get new ones as the lady I buy them from only uses DE and ACV. They have cut the feed consumed in half lately, however, that may be due to my kids feeding them tomatoes, okra, and watermelon non-stop. They still actively scratch daily, they love their ants and earthworms. I will treat them and see how it goes. I didn't even think about the frozen gallon waters, I'll set some out tomorrow. Thank you for your advise.
This is my first post and my first flock. Let me tell you, I figured out chicken math quickly!!! I started out with 6 and now have 12, it would be more but I have been trying to stay away from trade days. I have a few questions for you all. First, all of the hens were born in February, but none of them are laying yet, is this normal? My flock consists of Rhode Island Red, Langshan, and Jersey Giants. They have a half acre fenced in clearing and a 1/4 acre wooded area to free range in, 2 gallon water reserve in both areas as well as in the coop, constant feed, oyster shells and grit at all times as well as most table scraps. They seem happy and love to be pet. I have seen them sit in their nesting boxes and searched all areas, but no eggs. My rooster also started mounting them about a month ago. Second, and possible reason for number one, I am confused as to what age they molt. Almost every night for the last two weeks when I go to close the coop a few will shake and I have a feather cloud. It seems like they are in molt as I rarely have even a minor conflict in my coop and new softer feathers are coming in quickly. Also, I clean my coop daily and use sand so it is not old feathers. Almost everything I have read on molting says that they don't molt until after a year old, could they just be in a early molt because of the heat? Third, what are the ways you keep your flock cool? I put ice in one of their outside water containers and have found that the Langshans like to take a bath in it much like the dust baths they take, the rest either stand in it or drink it. I have heard of some people allowing access to small pools, would any of you advise this? If so, I have a large shaded pond only one gate opening away from their area, should I allow them access? I know this is a lot, and I thank anyone that responds. I have tried to look up my answers, however most people with these posts live in much cooler climates than ours. Heat effects everything and everyone.

First welcome to BYC!!! I would bet money you have eggs hidden somewhere . At least from the reds I'm not familiar with your other breeds. My first flock of RIR'S had half acre to free range. They hid there first eggs. If you have a dog take him for a walk around your free range area. That's how I found my first nest it was close to my house where you would never think to look. If you don't have a dog follow the cackle song . We nickname eggs cackel berries B /C when hens lay they sing a egg song. Mine were mid morning layers!! Egg production did slow down in the heat. I would put straw or something like it in the nest box. A fake egg in it might help to get them started in the nest box.

I give mine electrolytes I mix in their water to handle the heat sometimes I add ice to it. Hope this helps.

When they molt you will know that's what it is you won't have to ask. Have fun egg hunting.
Been busy today cleaning the yard with my family so snakes can't get our chickens anymore.  Recently we have had two snakes.  One was in our garden and got two of our hens.  My uncle killed one of the snakes.  He couldn't get the other one.  The snake was able to slither to the woods.  Our hens we lost were Spottie (a Dominique) and Tango (a Black Orpington).  If anyone knows any tips about keeping snakes away please tell me!!! We do not want to lose any more of our flock.    

So sorry to hear about your two chickens. I do not like snakes. I hope someone on this thread has some good anti-snake ideas.

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